§ 559.234 Lebanese Garden
   Beginning in the westerly line of Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. (formerly Liberty Boulevard), at the south-easterly corner of the India Garden (Section 559.232), and the principle place of beginning;
   Thence southwesterly, along the southeasterly line of said India Garden, and its prolongation approximately 129.50 feet to the easterly line of Doan Brook;
   Thence southeasterly, along said easterly line of Doan Brook, approximately 276.36 feet to a point;
   Thence northeasterly, along a line parallel to the aforementioned southeasterly line of the India Garden, approximately 141.55 feet to a point in the aforementioned westerly line of Martin Luther King Jr. Dr.;
   Thence northwesterly, along said westerly line of Martin Luther King Jr. Dr., approximately 272.68 feet, to the aforementioned southeasterly line of the India Garden and the principle place of beginning, containing 36,758 sq. ft., 0.8438 acres, be the same more or less but subject to all legal highways.
(Ord. No. 407-15. Passed 6-1-15, eff. 6-2-15)