The placing of any structure, sign, bulletin board or advertising device of any kind whatever, or the erection of any post or pole or the attachment of any notice, bill, poster, sign, wire, rod or cord to any tree, shrub, fence, railing, fountain, wall, post or structure, or the placing of any advertising, decorative or other device of any kind whatever, on any of the vases, statues, bridges or monuments in any park or parkway is prohibited.
However, the Director of Public Properties may permit the erection of temporary decoration on occasions of public celebration or holidays, which permit shall be in writing, signed by the Director.
No person other than an employee of the parks shall bring into or upon any of the parks or have in his or her possession while therein, any flower, tree, shrub, plant or any newly-plucked branch or leaf of a tree, shrub or plant.
(Ord. No. 1562-90. Passed 4-8-91, eff. 4-15-91)
No person shall appropriate to his or her own use, to the exclusion of the baseball teams entitled to use the same, any baseballs, bats, playing equipment, uniforms or other paraphernalia used in connection with amateur baseball games in the public parks and/or in the Cleveland Stadium which is the property of the City or the sponsors of amateur baseball teams operated through the Division of Recreation, or remove the same from such parks, or buy, receive or conceal any such property knowing the same to be the property of the City or the sponsors of such baseball teams.
(Ord. No. 99768. Passed 6-12-33)
(a) Dogs, unless accompanied by their owners and held in control, will not be allowed to run at large within the parks.
(b) No dogs shall be allowed in a park or any section of a park where there are signs posted prohibiting dogs in said park or any section of a park.
(1) The Director shall have the authority to post signs which prohibit or allow dogs in a park or any section of a park.
(2) Such signs shall be posted by the Director after said Director gives notice of his or her intention to post signs prohibiting or allowing dogs to the councilmember or members in whose ward or wards is located a park or section of a park where such signs are to be placed.
(c) Animals other than dogs will not be allowed to run at large and if found within the park limits, may be impounded.
(d) No animals of any kind will be allowed to enter any of the lakes, ponds, fountains or streams.
(e) Owners of dogs or other animals damaging or destroying park property will be held liable for the full value of the property damaged or destroyed in addition to the penalty imposed for a violation of this section.
(Ord. No. 2275-92. Passed 11-29-93, eff. 12-7-93)
In case of an emergency, such as blasting or in any other case where life and property are endangered, all persons if requested to do so by the Commissioner of Parks or other park officers shall depart from the portion of the grounds specified by such officer and shall remain off the same until permission is given to return.
No picnicking and lunching parties shall occupy the parks or any part thereof, except the allotted picnic grove and parade ground in Wade Park, and those portions of Gordon, Edgewater, Brookside, Garfield and Woodland Hills Parks which may hereafter be designated by the Director for such use.