A. General Standards. All land uses proposed in any manufacturing/industrial zoning district shall be operated and maintained so as to not be injurious to public health, safety, or welfare, and in compliance with the following standards.
1. Glare and Heat. No direct or indirect glare or heat, whether from floodlights or from high-temperature processes (including combustion or welding or otherwise) shall be visible or felt at the property line.
2. Ground Vibration. No approved land use shall generate ground vibration perceptible without instruments at any point along or outside of the property line of the use, except for motor vehicle operations.
3. Indoor or Screened Operations. All activities other than employee amenities, incidental loading and unloading, pedestrian and vehicular circulation, and incidental handling of materials shall be conducted entirely within structures or within outdoor areas entirely screened by structures, fencing or walls and landscaping, from the view of public roads and adjoining properties. Screening shall be provided in compliance with Section 19.60.060 (Fencing and screening).
B. IOMU Zoning District Performance Standards. All land uses proposed in the IOMU zoning district shall be operated and maintained in compliance with the following standards, in addition to the requirements of subsection A above.
1. Access Limitations. Proposed uses shall comply with the access requirements of Section 19.60.020.
2. Air Emissions. No land use shall generate or cause any visible dust, gasses, or smoke to be emitted into the atmosphere, except as necessary for the heating or cooling of structures, and the operation of motor vehicles on the site.
3. Landscaping. Proposed uses shall be designed to comply with the landscaping requirements of Chapter 19.68, except that landscaped areas, including landscaping within parking lots, shall be not less than 15 percent of the net site area.
4. Noise Control. All noise shall be controlled in compliance with the City Noise Ordinance in Title 9.
5. Undergrounding. Proposed uses shall locate any accessory fuel storage tanks underground, in addition to complying with the underground utility requirements of Section 19.60.120.
(Ord. 2185, Ord, 2427 §27, Ord. 2440 §30)