19.10.010 Purpose.
19.10.020 Noticing.
19.10.030 Hearing procedure.
19.10.040 Notice of decision of Zoning Administrator.
19.10.050 Notice of decision of Commission or Architectural Review and Historic Preservation Board.
19.10.060 Recommendation by Commission or Architectural Review and Historic Preservation Board.
19.10.070 Notice of decision of Council.
This chapter provides procedures for public hearings before the Zoning Administrator, Architectural Review and Historic Preservation Board, Commission, and Council. When a public hearing is required by these Regulations, public notice shall be given and the hearing shall be conducted in compliance with this chapter.
(Ord. 2185, Ord. 2410 §6)
The public shall be provided notice of hearings in compliance with applicable State law.
A. Content of Notice. Notice of a public hearing shall include the date, time, and place of the hearing; the name of the review authority; a general explanation of the matter to be considered; and a general description, in text or by diagram, of the location of the real property that is the subject of the hearing. All noticing provisions required by the City's Environmental Review Guidelines shall be followed. Additionally, the notice shall clearly explain the process for filing appeals, in compliance with Chapter 19.12 (Appeals); the right of any person to appear and be heard and/or to submit written statements or diagrams to the Director; where additional information may be obtained; and a statement that any person who challenges the action taken on the application or proposal in court may be limited to raising only those issues that were raised, verbally or in writing, at the public hearing on the subject application or proposal.
B. Method of Distribution.
1. Notice of a public hearing required by this chapter for a use permit, variance, site plan and architectural design review, appeal, development agreement, specific plan, neighborhood or area plan, or amendments to the General Plan, Zoning Map, or these Regulations or any entitlement provided for in these Regulations, shall be given as follows:
a. Notice shall be published at least once in a local newspaper of general circulation in the City, at least 10 days before the hearing; and
b. Notice shall be mailed or delivered at least 10 days before the hearing to:
(1) The owner(s) of the property being considered, or the owner's agent, and the applicant;
(2) Each local agency expected to provide water, schools, or other essential facilities or services to the project, whose ability to provide the facilities and services may be significantly affected;
(3) All owners of real property, at the address as shown on the County's latest equalized assessment roll, within 500 feet of the property which is the subject of the hearing; and
(4) Any person who has filed a written request for notice with the Director and has paid the fee set by the most current City fee resolution for the notice.
2. If the number of property owners to whom notice would be mailed is more than 1,000, the Director may choose to provide an alternate notice through the placement of at least a one-eighth page display advertisement in a local newspaper of general circulation within the City.
3. Notice of a public hearing by the City Council required by this chapter to designate buildings, structures, or objects on the Historic Resources Inventory shall be given by written notice of the hearing or request mailed or delivered to the applicant and any person requesting notice in writing, at least 10 days prior to the hearing.
C. Failure to Receive Notice. Failure of any person to receive notice required to be given in compliance with this chapter shall not affect the validity of the hearing or any action taken.
D. Additional Notice. In addition to the types of notice required by Subsection B above, the Director may provide any additional notice with content or using a distribution method as the Director determines is necessary or desirable.
(Ord. 2185; Ord. 2223; Ord. 2410 §7)(Ord. 2435 §15) (Ord. 2440 §7) (Ord. 2580 §2) (Ord. 2600)
Hearings shall be held at the date, time, and place for which notice has been given. Any hearing may be continued, without further notification, provided that prior to the adjournment or recess of the hearing, a clear public announcement is made specifying the date, time, and place to which the hearing will be continued.
(Ord. 2185)