The following temporary uses are allowed. Uses that do not fall within the categories defined below, or that do not operate in accordance with the standards specified below, shall comply with Section 19.22.030 (Temporary uses subject to use permit).
A. Car Washes. Car washes, limited to two days each month for each sponsoring organization. Sponsorship shall be limited to religious, educational, fraternal, or service organizations directly engaged in civic or charitable efforts on non-residential properties.
B. Construction Yards and Offices. On-site contractors' construction yards and offices, in conjunction with an approved construction project.
C. Emergency Facilities. Emergency public health and safety needs/land use activities.
D. Emergency Shelters. Temporary emergency shelters shall be permitted in any zoning district for a maximum of 27 days in any 90-day period, provided that the facilities are approved by the City Building Official and Fire Marshal prior to use, and provided that no other emergency shelter is operated within 500 feet during the same 90-day period.
E. Events. Arts and crafts exhibits, for up to 10 days, on non-residential properties.
F. Garage and Yard Sales in Residential Zones. Two garage or yard sales in any 12-month period, not exceeding 3 consecutive days each, shall be deemed a use incidental to the residential use of a property. Garage or yard sales in excess of this limit shall be prohibited in all residential zones.
G. Offices. A temporary office, including a manufactured or mobile unit, may be approved for a maximum time period of one year from the date of approval as the first phase of a development project. An additional time period may be authorized with use permit approval, in compliance with Chapter 19.24.
H. Outside Displays/Sales. The temporary outdoor display/sales of merchandise on nonresidential properties, in compliance with Section 19.76.120.
I. Public Property. Events which are to be conducted on public property, with the approval of the City.
J. Residence. A mobile home as a temporary residence of the property owner when a valid building permit for a new single-family dwelling is in force. The permit may be approved for up to one year, or until expiration of the building permit, whichever first occurs.
K. Seasonal Sales Lots. Seasonal sales activities for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or other holidays, on non-residential properties, including temporary residence/security trailers. Local agricultural products, including flowers, may be sold for a period of up to three months.
L. Temporary Real Estate Sales Offices. A temporary real estate sales office may be established within the area of an approved development project, solely for the first sale of homes. An application for a temporary real estate office may be approved for a maximum time period of one year from the date of approval.
M. Farmers' Markets. Temporary farmers' markets are permitted up to two times per week on non-residential properties provided that all market-related structures are removed each night; no more than 35 percent of the required parking spaces for permanent uses of the property are occupied by the farmers' market; the market area does not restrict circulation on the site; and signage for the market complies with Chapter 19.74 (Signs).
N. Similar Temporary Uses. Similar temporary uses which, in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator, do not require a use permit and are compatible with the zoning district and surrounding land uses.
(Ord. 2185; Ord. 2223)(Ord. 2435 §20, Ord. 2440 §11, Ord. 2494, §7)
The following temporary uses may be allowed, subject to the issuance of a use permit. Uses that do not fall within the categories defined below shall comply with the use and development regulations and entitlement review provisions that otherwise apply to the property.
A. Carnivals, circuses, concerts, fairs, festivals, flea markets, food events, outdoor entertainment/sporting events rodeos, rummage sales, second-hand sales, and swap meets for up to 10 days; other events, including arts and crafts exhibits, and agricultural sales and events (such as pumpkin sales and corn mazes) for over 10 days; and farmers' market that don't meet the standards in Section 19.22.020(M). Offsite vehicle sales are allowed for no more than five days per event and no more than two annual events on the same property per auto dealer.
(Ord. 2185; Ord. 2223, Ord. 2364 §389)(Ord. 2435 §21, Ord. 2440 §12, Ord. 2494, §8, Ord. 2519 §13)
Where a temporary dwelling is a permitted use as set forth by the zoning district, and a proposed temporary dwelling unit complies with all of the standards contained in Section 19.76.170, a temporary residence for an ill, convalescent or otherwise disabled friend or relative of the property owner, shall be permitted pursuant to a temporary dwelling unit permit issued pursuant to this Chapter.
(Ord. 2494, §9)