Article I. General Requirements
9-124-010 Erection of wires and poles.
9-124-020 Operating near railroad elevation.
9-124-030 Comfort and safety of passengers.
9-124-040 Transporting policemen.
9-124-050 Driver collecting fares.
9-124-060 Lights at railroad crossings.
9-124-070 Painting railroad pillars.
9-124-080 Drains on railroad structures.
9-124-090 Penalty.
Article II. Street Railroads
9-124-100 Scope of regulations.
9-124-110 Laying track.
9-124-120 Gauge of track.
9-124-130 Construction of rails.
9-124-140 Track not to obstruct traffic.
9-124-150 Repair of streets.
9-124-160 Track and street repair violations.
9-124-170 Street sprinkling.
9-124-180 Removal of street accumulations.
9-124-190 Electrical requirements.
9-124-200 Schedule of operation.
9-124-210 Rush hour checking.
9-124-220 Exceptions to schedule requirements.
9-124-230 Service checks.
9-124-240 Stops.
9-124-250 Signs at stopping points.
9-124-260 Stops at railroads, crossings, bridges.
9-124-270 Stopping before firehouse.
9-124-280 Penalty.
Article III. Elevated Railroads
9-124-290 Scope of regulations.
9-124-300 "Rush hours" defined.
9-124-310 Schedule of operation.
9-124-320 Seats for passengers.
9-124-330 Stops when on ground.
9-124-340 Shunting or running down inclines.
9-124-350 Storing cars.
9-124-360 Construction and location of stations.
9-124-370 Station enclosures.
9-124-380 Illuminated station signs.
9-124-390 Penalty.
Article IV. Other Railroads
9-124-400 Scope of regulations.
9-124-410 Signals on engines.
9-124-420 Bumping posts.
9-124-430 Allowing steam to escape.
9-124-440 Making up trains.
9-124-450 Shunting cars.
9-124-470 Changing from steam to electricity.
9-124-480 Furnishing employee copy of regulations.
9-124-490 Penalty.
No person operating a street, elevated, steam or other railroad shall erect any poles or string wires thereon along, upon or across any public way or other public place in the city for the purpose of conveying an electric current to operate his railroad cars, unless he has obtained permission and authority from the city council for that purpose.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than $100.00 nor more than $200.00 for each offense. Each day such poles or wires shall be maintained in violation of this section after the first conviction shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
(Prior code § 188-4)
No person shall propel, or cause to be propelled, any single car or train of cars on any track situated on the surface of any street in the city, across an intersecting street, when the track on which such single car or train of cars is propelled runs parallel to the track of any steam railroad of which the track is elevated on an embankment and is carried over an intersecting street by a bridge, where the condition is such that any rail of said surface track is within 15 feet of the end of any abutment wall supporting said bridge.
Each operation of a single car or train in violation of any of the terms of this section shall be deemed a separate offense.
It is hereby declared to be a nuisance for any person to operate such car or train in violation of this section.
(Prior code § 188-5)
No person owning, leasing or operating any street railroad cars, elevated railroad cars or other railroad cars, which run from point to point within the City, either on elevated, surface or subway lines, shall permit any car to be used or operated on any of the public ways of said City or on any part of the right-of-way of said person unless the following conditions are complied with:
(a) The cars of the company shall be kept heated as follows:
A minimum temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit above zero shall be maintained in all cars in service carrying passengers when the outside temperature is at ten degrees Fahrenheit above zero or higher.
A minimum temperature of 45 degrees Fahrenheit above zero shall be maintained in all cars in service carrying passengers when the outside temperature is below ten degrees, but not below five degrees Fahrenheit above zero.
When the outside temperature is below five degrees Fahrenheit above zero the temperature in all cars in service carrying passengers shall be maintained at 45 degrees Fahrenheit above zero, or as near this point as the continuous operation of all the heaters in said cars to their full capacity will allow.
(b) There shall be maintained and conspicuously displayed in such car a standard Fahrenheit thermometer so located that it will furnish a fair criterion of the temperature of the car.
(c) The air shall be supplied in such quantity that the amount of carbon dioxide present in the air of the said car shall not exceed 12 parts in each 10,000 parts of air.
(d) Cars or portions of cars in which smoking is permitted shall be provided with a ventilating capacity 33 1/3 percent in excess of the capacity required for other cars or the portions of cars in which smoking is not permitted.
(e) Cars shall be opened up and freely aired at least once in 24 hours.
(f) The interior and platforms and insides of vestibules of all cars shall be kept clean, and cars in which smoking is permitted shall be cleaned after each round trip. All window glass of all cars shall be kept clean at all times when such cars are in operation.
(g) Each car on each separate line shall, after leaving the starting point, be run to the terminus of the lines as designated on such car, except in cases of breakdown or other unavoidable interruptions of traffic, and except when no passenger on the car desires to be carried to the terminus of said line.
(h) A sufficient number of cars on each separate line to carry passengers comfortably and without crowding shall be provided, which cars shall be run upon a proper and reasonable schedule, and such schedule shall upon request be furnished to the city council.
(i) For the purpose of providing comfortable transportation of passengers without crowding, the number of passengers to be carried in any street railroad, elevated railroad or steam railroad car shall not exceed the seating capacity of such street railroad, elevated railroad or steam railroad car.
(j) Each street or elevated railroad car shall be distinctly numbered and bear the name of its owner, both inside and outside, and shall bear appropriate and conspicuous signs upon its sides and ends indicating both day and night the route and destination of such car. Provided, however, that when two or more cars are operated as trains, said end signs shall be affixed to the front of the front car and to the rear of the rear car. At night such signs shall be illuminated.
(k) There shall be securely posted in each car, where it may be conveniently read by the passengers, a copy of the above regulations of this section.
The Commissioner of Public Health shall detail employees from the Department of Public Health to make the investigation necessary to determine whether or not the sanitary provisions of this section are being complied with, and the Department of Public Health shall report the result of such investigation to the Corporation Counsel. The Committee on Transportation and Public Way may secure information necessary to determine whether or not all other provisions of this section are being complied with and to cooperate with the Corporation Counsel in securing the evidence necessary to the prosecution of violations of this section.
Any person guilty of violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than $25.00 nor more than $100.00 for each car operated in violation of this section, and each day of the operation of such car shall be considered a separate offense.
(Prior code § 188-6; Amend Coun. J. 12-2-09, p. 78837, Art. 1, § 6; Amend Coun. J. 2-24-21, p. 27657, Art. V, § 5)
Any person owning or operating any railroad, street car, motorbus or omnibus having an established right- of-way within the limits of the city, and engaged in the business of carrying passengers thereon for hire, shall, on any train, car, motorbus, omnibus or other vehicle used or operated by any such described company, carry free of charge, within the limits of the city, any officer or member of the department of police, when such officer or member is clothed in the uniform of his rank and engaged in the performance of his official duties.
No officer or director of any railroad, street car, motorbus or omnibus company, nor any other person engaged in the business of carrying passengers for hire, as aforesaid, shall issue any order or command prohibiting or interfering with the enforcement of the provisions of this section.
(Prior code § 188-7)