9-124-450 Shunting cars.
   No person shall drive or shunt any passenger or freight car across any public street at the street grade without an engine attached to such car.
(Prior code § 188-48)
9-124-470 Changing from steam to electricity.
   No person operating a railroad by steam power shall hereafter operate the same by electric power, either by the overhead contact system or otherwise, within the city without first obtaining authority and permission therefor from the city council.
(Prior code § 188-50)
9-124-480 Furnishing employee copy of regulations.
   Every person owning or operating a steam railroad within the city shall furnish each engineer and train conductor employed thereon a certified or printed copy of this part of this chapter dealing with other railroads.
(Prior code § 188-51)
9-124-490 Penalty.
   Except where some other penalty has been specifically provided, any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this part of this chapter dealing with other railroads shall be fined not less than $10.00 nor more than $200.00 for each offense.
(Prior code § 188-52)