Every conductor, motorman or other person having charge of any street car operating upon any street railroad in this city shall operate over a grade crossing with a steam railroad in the following manner:
Where a steam railroad track is used for the operation of through passenger train or through freight train service, or both, the street car shall be brought to a full stop at a distance of at least 25 feet from the nearest rail, and the conductor shall then proceed on foot to the middle of the crossing or beyond. After carefully looking both ways along the railroad track to ascertain that it is safe to do so, he shall then signal the motorman to proceed over said crossing. Provided, however, that where an official flagman is stationed at such crossing, such flagman may act in place of the conductor.
Where the steam railroad track is a spur track, siding, industrial loading track, or serves only for local switching purposes, the motorman shall stop the car at a distance of at least 25 feet from the nearest rail, shall observe carefully that it is safe to cross by looking in both directions along the tracks and shall then cross with due care and caution.
Every such person having charge of any such street car shall also, when approaching any cross street occupied by street railway tracks which intersect with those on which such street car is being operated, bring such car to a full stop before arriving at and within ten feet of the nearest intersection line of such cross street.
When approaching a swing, draw, bascule or other movable bridge, he shall bring said car to a full stop at a point not less than 50 feet from the roadway gate of said bridge, and shall then approach and proceed over the bridge with due care and caution.
(Prior code § 188-29)
No person operating street cars within the city, nor any person in charge of such car, whether operated for the conveyance of passengers, mail or other commodity or thing shall permit or allow any such car to stand in front of or permit any passenger to get on or off from any such car in front of any fire engine house within the city.
(Prior code § 188-30)
Except where some other penalty is specifically provided, any person owning or operating street cars shall be fined not less than $25.00 nor more than $100.00 for violation of any provision of this part of this chapter dealing with street railroads, and any conductor, driver or collector of fares violating any of said provisions shall be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $100.00 for each offense.
(Prior code § 188-31)
Nothing contained in this part of this chapter dealing with elevated railroads, or any order of the city council passed in pursuance thereof shall affect or prejudice in any way the rights of the city or its legal representatives, or the state's attorney of Cook County, in any pending or future litigation concerning the respective rights of the city or the owners or lessees of any electric elevated railroad in any of the streets of the city under any statute or ordinance heretofore enacted or passed. Nor shall any section of this part of this chapter dealing with elevated railroads be construed or understood as extending or enlarging in any way rights which the owners or lessees of any such elevated railroad may now possess in the public streets of the city.
(Prior code § 188-32)