9-124-350 Storing cars.
   No person owning or operating any elevated railway shall store or permit to be stored any car owned or operated by it upon those parts of its elevated structures which are built over or upon any of the public ways or other public places of the city.
(Prior code § 188-38)
9-124-360 Construction and location of stations.
   In all cases where the distance between consecutive stations or landing places for receiving and discharging passengers on any line of elevated railroad operated for the transportation of passengers is more than 2,500 feet, the person owning or operating such line of elevated railroad shall install and maintain an intermediate station or landing place for receiving and discharging passengers and shall afford to the public at such intermediate station or landing place the same facilities for entering and departing from cars as are afforded at other stations or landing places similarly situated along the same line. Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting or restricting the right to run express trains over such line which do not stop at all stations.
   Such intermediate station or landing place shall be located at or near a public street which crosses such line of electric elevated railroad and which is situated as near as practicable equally distant from such consecutive stations. The exact location of such intermediate station may be prescribed by order of the city council; provided, that it shall be not more than 250 feet from the center of the distance between such consecutive stations. Whenever the location of any such intermediate station or landing place for receiving and discharging passengers shall be prescribed by order of the city council the person owning or operating such line of an elevated railroad shall have 90 days' time within which to construct and install such intermediate station or landing place for receiving and discharging passengers during which no prosecution for failure to install and maintain same shall lie.
   Wherever an intermediate station or landing place for receiving and discharging passengers as required by this section shall occupy any part of a public way, either on the surface thereof or overhead, before any work of construction shall begin, plans for same shall first be submitted to and be approved by the commissioner of transportation and the building commissioner. In all cases such intermediate stations or landing places shall be constructed so as to comply with all ordinances of the city relating to buildings or structures of this character.
(Prior code § 188-39; Amend Coun. J. 3-5-03, p. 104990, § 10; Amend Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 14999, Art. II, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-8-12, p. 38872, § 177)
9-124-370 Station enclosures.
   Every person owning or operating an elevated railroad shall provide and equip all station platforms, which are used in connection with the operation of such railroad, with a top or roof of incombustible material and with storm enclosures of glass or other suitable material on three sides thereof, so that the patrons or passengers of such elevated railroad may be protected from inclement weather while waiting for trains. Provided, however, that the provisions relating to said storm enclosures of station platforms shall not apply to the platforms which are commonly known as island platforms and where more than one side of such platforms is used for the purpose of receiving or discharging passengers. All such platforms commonly called island platforms, and platforms where more than one side thereof are used for the purpose of receiving or discharging passengers, shall be provided with storm enclosures of glass or other suitable material at each end of same, and shall also be provided with a longitudinal partition running down the middle of such platforms the entire length thereof. Such partitions shall extend from the platforms to the roof and connect with the storm enclosures at each end of such platform, and shall be provided with sufficient openings to permit passage by persons from one side to another. Such enclosures and partitions shall be provided during the months of November, December, January, February and March of each year.
(Prior code § 188-40)
9-124-380 Illuminated station signs.
   Every person operating an elevated railroad shall place and maintain at each station on such railroad at least three signs on each platform at such stations, one of said signs to be placed in the middle and one at either end of each platform. Said signs shall distinctly show the name of the station. The signs at the ends of the platform shall be illuminated at night so that the name can be easily read. Said illuminated signs shall be made, placed and maintained in conspicuous positions not less than nine inches above the top of the railing on the platform, and in such manner that they can be read easily by persons on the trains of such railroad.
   All signs shall be of a pattern, material and size meeting the approval of the commissioner of transportation, and shall be constructed, placed and maintained in a manner meeting with the commissioner's approval.
(Prior code § 188-41; Amend Coun. J. 11-8-12, p. 38872, § 178)
9-124-390 Penalty.
   Except where some other penalty is specifically provided, any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this part of this chapter dealing with elevated railroads shall be fined not less than $25.00 nor more than $200.00 for each offense. Each day that such person shall fail to comply with or shall violate the provisions of this chapter shall constitute a distinct and separate offense.
(Prior code § 188-42)