(a) When one vehicle is towing another, the vehicles shall be connected to a drawbar of sufficient strength to pull all weight towed, and the drawbar shall not exceed eight feet in length. In addition to the drawbar, the vehicles shall be connected by two chains or cables of sufficient strength to pull all weight towed independently of the drawbar. Such chains or cables shall not exceed the length of the drawbar by more than two feet when fastened to the towed vehicle.
(b) No person shall push a vehicle with another vehicle upon any public way for a distance greater than 600 feet, or in a school zone while school children are present.
(c) Every disabled vehicle being pushed or towed on any public way shall have displayed on its roof or cab a flashing amber light. Such light shall be visible for a distance of at least 500 feet from the sides and rear if the vehicle is being towed or 500 feet to the front and sides if the vehicle is being pushed. Such light shall be in addition to any other lights required by law or ordinance.
(Added Coun. J. 7-12-90, p. 18634)