Any person owning or operating a street railroad in the city shall keep in good repair such portions of the streets as he agreed or may agree with said city to keep in good repair.
Whenever any person owning or operating any street railway track in, upon, along or across any of the public ways or other public places within the city, shall be required to pave or repave any part of any public way, or shall proceed to pave or repave any part of any such public way, it shall be unlawful for any such person to lay down or place any pavement or other material across the top of any sewer, manhole, or other opening necessary to reach such sewer. If in the performance of such work it shall be necessary or desirable to raise the grade of such pavement or of such street, it shall be the duty of the person doing such work to bring the top of such sewer, manhole, or other opening, up to the level of the new grade thus established, so that the top of the cover of such manhole or other opening shall be flush and level with the surface of such pavement when completed.
The commissioner of transportation shall see that the provisions of this section are complied with, and shall require all employees of the department of transformation to report to said commissioner all cases that come to their knowledge of any neglect or failure of any such person to comply.
(Prior code § 188-18; Amend Coun. J. 11-8-12, p. 38872, § 174)
Whenever any person operating any street railroad shall neglect or fail to comply with the provisions of Sections 9-124-130, 9-124-140 or 9-124-150 of this Code, the commissioner of transportation shall cause a notice to be served upon any such person, setting forth in what particular such person is in default, and that the work so referred to shall be completed or constructed in accordance with the terms of the aforesaid sections within five days after the service of such notice.
Any such person that shall neglect or fail to put his track or part of track, or any portion of the streets mentioned in such notice, in the condition required by Sections 9-124-130, 9-124-140 or 9-124-150 of this Code within five days after the service of such notice, shall be fined not less than $100.00 and not more than $200.00 for each offense. Every day such neglect or failure shall continue after the expiration of such five days shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
Any person laying any track in violation of any provision of this chapter where no other penalty is provided or without complying with the terms of any permit issued hereunder shall be fined not less than $100.00 nor more than $200.00 for each offense. Said person shall be further fined $100.00 a day for every day any such track shall remain in any such public way or other public place, where the same shall have been laid without such permit or in violation of the terms thereof.
(Prior code § 188-19; Amend Coun. J. 11-8-12, p. 38872, § 175)
Every person operating or maintaining a street railroad track located in and along the streets within the city, shall, except as otherwise expressly provided in the respective ordinances under which track has heretofore been or may hereafter be authorized to be laid, keep moistened and sprinkled with water the several streets upon and along which he may operate or maintain his railroad track so that the streets so sprinkled shall be and remain reasonably free from dust under all conditions and circumstances attending such operation.
A separate and distinct offense shall be deemed to have been committed each and every day on which any such person shall neglect, fail or refuse to comply with any of the provisions of this section.
(Prior code § 188-20)
Every person operating any street railroad track on and along the surface of any public way of the city shall remove all dirt, snow and other accumulations from so much of the surface of the public way as lies between the two outermost rails of such tracks and also from such additional surface in width as may be prescribed in any street railroad ordinance by virtue of which he is operating the street railroad. All such dirt, snow and other accumulations shall be removed entirely from and out of such public way at least once each week and as much oftener as the commissioner of transportation shall in writing direct. Such dirt, snow and other accumulations shall be removed and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of this Code and subject to the rules and regulations of the department of transportation.
Any person operating a street railroad upon or along the surface of any public way in the city, that shall refuse or neglect to clean any part of a public way as required by this section, shall be fined not less than $50.00 nor more than $200.00 for each offense.
(Prior code § 188-21; Amend Coun. J. 11-8-12, p. 38872, § 176)
All uninsulated electrical return circuits must be of such current carrying capacity and so arranged that the difference of potential between any two points on the return will not exceed the maximum limit of 12 volts, and between any two points on the return 1,000 feet apart within one mile radius of the city hall will not exceed the limit of one volt, and between any two points on the return 700 feet apart outside of this one mile radius limit will not exceed the limit of one volt. In addition thereto, a proper return conductor system must be so installed and maintained as to protect all metallic work from electrolysis damage.
The return current amperage on pipes and cable sheaths must not be greater than 0.5 amperes per pound foot for caulked cast iron pipe, 0.8 amperes per pound foot for screwed wrought iron pipe, and 0.16 amperes per pound foot for standard lead or lead alloy sheaths of cables.
All persons operating street railroads must equip their uninsulated return current systems in the following manner:
(1) With insulated pilot wire circuits and voltmeters so that accurate chart records will be obtained daily showing the difference of potential between the negative bus bars in each station and at least four extreme limits on the return circuit in its corresponding feeding district.
(2) With recording ammeters, insulated cables and automatic reverse load and overload circuit breakers which will record and limit the maximum amperes drained from all the metallic work, except the regular return feeders, to less than ten percent of the total output of the station.
The said chart records must be so kept as to be always accessible to city officials.
Any person failing to comply with the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than $50.00 nor more than $200.00 for each offense. Each day's operation of such equipment contrary to said provisions shall constitute and be regarded as a separate and distinct offense. Provided, that the said section shall not be construed as modifying or extending any express provisions relating to the subject matter thereof contained in any contract ordinance under which such systems are operated.
(Prior code § 188-22)
Every person owning or operating street cars upon any track over which any street railroad cars are operated in the city, shall control the operation of said cars by means of a written schedule for each separate line. Said schedule shall be prepared to provide a sufficient number of cars in order to comply with the provisions of this Code. One true copy of each schedule, showing the number of cars operated thereby, and the train number of each trip, and the schedule time of arriving at and departing from one terminal, and the running time between designated time points, shall be filed with the council committee on local transportation.
In case a revision or rearrangement of any schedule is made, one true copy of the new schedule shall be filed with the council committee on local transportation within not less than three days before such new schedule shall be put into effect.
Each car operated shall bear a suitable run number sign, indicating the position of said car on its schedule and identifying its scheduled movements, and each car operated in addition to the scheduled cars as an "extra" car shall carry a suitable run number sign bearing the letter "X". At night such number signs shall be illuminated.
Each car (extra cars excepted) shall be dispatched and operated in accordance with the schedule on file with the council committee on local transportation.
(Prior code § 188-23)
The council committee on local transportation shall have the right to designate checking points at any place upon the line of any person or his agents, upon notice to him of the location of such checking points. Within five days after the delivery of the information designating the checking points, such person or agents may furnish to the council committee on local transportation a written statement, setting forth the time of the periods of the morning and evening rush hours, not to exceed two and one-half hours each for the checking points.
The periods of the morning and evening rush hours, as provided for in this section, shall remain in full force and effect until receipt by the council committee on local transportation of a written statement changing the periods of the rush hours at said points.
In case any person, or his agents, shall fail to file the rush hour periods at any checking point designated by the council committee on local transportation, as provided for in this section the council committee on local transportation shall establish morning and evening rush hour periods at the checking points designated in said notice.
(Prior code § 188-24)