Every person owning any tracks over which any elevated railroad trains are operated, or operating any elevated railroad trains, shall control the operation of said trains by means of a written schedule for each separate line. Said schedule or schedules shall be prepared to provide a sufficient number of trains in order to comply with the provisions of this Code. One true copy of each schedule, showing the number of trains operated thereby, and the train numbers, and the schedule time of arriving at and departing from one terminal, and the running time between designated time points, shall be filed with the city clerk.
In case a revision or rearrangement of any schedule is made, one true copy of the new schedule shall be filed with the city clerk not less than three days before such new schedule shall be put into effect.
Each train operated shall bear a suitable run number sign, indicating the position of said train on its schedule and identifying its schedule movements, and each train operated in addition to the schedule cars as an "extra" car shall carry a suitable train number sign bearing the letter "X".
Each train (extra trains excepted) shall be dispatched and operated in accordance with the schedule on file with the city clerk.
Each day that any violation of this section shall continue shall be considered a separate and distinct offense.
(Prior code § 188-34)
Every person owning any tracks over which any elevated railroad trains are operated, or operating any elevated railroad trains, shall on each separate line operate trains at such intervals (except during rush hours) that the aggregate number of seats within the trains passing any point in any one direction during any period of 15 consecutive minutes shall be not less than the aggregate number of passengers carried on said trains passing said point during said period of 15 consecutive minutes. Provided, however, that if less than three trains pass any point on any line during a 15-minute period, then the aggregate number of seats carried by three consecutive trains in any one direction passing any point shall be not less than the aggregate number of passengers carried by said three consecutive trains passing said point.
Every person owning any tracks over which any elevated railroad trains are operated, or operating any elevated trains, shall operate trains at such intervals that not less than one train shall be operated during each and every fifteen minute period of the entire 24 hours of each day, excepting the six hours between 12:00 and 6:00 a.m.
Every person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than $50.00 nor more than $200.00 for each offense. Each day upon which a violation occurs upon any one line shall constitute a single offense. Not more than one penalty shall be recovered for a violation committed on any line during any one day.
(Prior code § 188-35)
No person owning or operating any elevated railroad shall suffer or permit any car operated by it, when in transit over the surface of the ground upon rails laid thereon, to be run by any street intersection at which a station has been provided, without stopping. All such cars while so in transit shall be stopped at each station.
(Prior code § 188-36)
No person owning or operating any elevated railroad shall allow or permit any of the cars owned or operated by him to be shunted or run down inclines from the elevated structure to the surface of the ground, unless such cars are under the absolute control of a competent motorman or engineer, or person acquainted with and competent to operate the motor machinery of such car. No car shall be allowed or permitted by any person operating or owning the same to be shunted or run down any such incline, unless the motor machinery of the same can be controlled so as to decrease the rate of speed of such car while running down such incline. No car shall be run down such incline at a rate of speed greater than ten miles per hour.
(Prior code § 188-37)
In all cases where the distance between consecutive stations or landing places for receiving and discharging passengers on any line of elevated railroad operated for the transportation of passengers is more than 2,500 feet, the person owning or operating such line of elevated railroad shall install and maintain an intermediate station or landing place for receiving and discharging passengers and shall afford to the public at such intermediate station or landing place the same facilities for entering and departing from cars as are afforded at other stations or landing places similarly situated along the same line. Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting or restricting the right to run express trains over such line which do not stop at all stations.
Such intermediate station or landing place shall be located at or near a public street which crosses such line of electric elevated railroad and which is situated as near as practicable equally distant from such consecutive stations. The exact location of such intermediate station may be prescribed by order of the city council; provided, that it shall be not more than 250 feet from the center of the distance between such consecutive stations. Whenever the location of any such intermediate station or landing place for receiving and discharging passengers shall be prescribed by order of the city council the person owning or operating such line of an elevated railroad shall have 90 days' time within which to construct and install such intermediate station or landing place for receiving and discharging passengers during which no prosecution for failure to install and maintain same shall lie.
Wherever an intermediate station or landing place for receiving and discharging passengers as required by this section shall occupy any part of a public way, either on the surface thereof or overhead, before any work of construction shall begin, plans for same shall first be submitted to and be approved by the commissioner of transportation and the building commissioner. In all cases such intermediate stations or landing places shall be constructed so as to comply with all ordinances of the city relating to buildings or structures of this character.
(Prior code § 188-39; Amend Coun. J. 3-5-03, p. 104990, § 10; Amend Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 14999, Art. II, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-8-12, p. 38872, § 177)