Article I. General Requirements
9-124-010 Erection of wires and poles.
9-124-020 Operating near railroad elevation.
9-124-030 Comfort and safety of passengers.
9-124-040 Transporting policemen.
9-124-050 Driver collecting fares.
9-124-060 Lights at railroad crossings.
9-124-070 Painting railroad pillars.
9-124-080 Drains on railroad structures.
9-124-090 Penalty.
Article II. Street Railroads
9-124-100 Scope of regulations.
9-124-110 Laying track.
9-124-120 Gauge of track.
9-124-130 Construction of rails.
9-124-140 Track not to obstruct traffic.
9-124-150 Repair of streets.
9-124-160 Track and street repair violations.
9-124-170 Street sprinkling.
9-124-180 Removal of street accumulations.
9-124-190 Electrical requirements.
9-124-200 Schedule of operation.
9-124-210 Rush hour checking.
9-124-220 Exceptions to schedule requirements.
9-124-230 Service checks.
9-124-240 Stops.
9-124-250 Signs at stopping points.
9-124-260 Stops at railroads, crossings, bridges.
9-124-270 Stopping before firehouse.
9-124-280 Penalty.
Article III. Elevated Railroads
9-124-290 Scope of regulations.
9-124-300 "Rush hours" defined.
9-124-310 Schedule of operation.
9-124-320 Seats for passengers.
9-124-330 Stops when on ground.
9-124-340 Shunting or running down inclines.
9-124-350 Storing cars.
9-124-360 Construction and location of stations.
9-124-370 Station enclosures.
9-124-380 Illuminated station signs.
9-124-390 Penalty.
Article IV. Other Railroads
9-124-400 Scope of regulations.
9-124-410 Signals on engines.
9-124-420 Bumping posts.
9-124-430 Allowing steam to escape.
9-124-440 Making up trains.
9-124-450 Shunting cars.
9-124-470 Changing from steam to electricity.
9-124-480 Furnishing employee copy of regulations.
9-124-490 Penalty.
No person operating a street, elevated, steam or other railroad shall erect any poles or string wires thereon along, upon or across any public way or other public place in the city for the purpose of conveying an electric current to operate his railroad cars, unless he has obtained permission and authority from the city council for that purpose.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than $100.00 nor more than $200.00 for each offense. Each day such poles or wires shall be maintained in violation of this section after the first conviction shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
(Prior code § 188-4)