Every person owning or operating any railroad track, switch, side track, or turnout on which any car may be operated or moved by steam power, is hereby required to establish and maintain substantial bumping posts or other suitable obstruction at the end of each such track, to prevent any such car from being hurled, driven or pushed from such track.
Each day after the first conviction that any track situated as aforesaid shall be permitted to remain without such bumping post shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
(Prior code § 188-45)
No person in charge of any locomotive engine shall cause or allow the cylinder cock or cocks, safety valve or other valves of any locomotive engine to be opened so as to permit steam to escape therefrom at any time while running upon or along any railroad track where the engine is within 100 feet of any street or railroad crossing or viaduct. Provided, however, that when any such engine shall be standing at any such place in said city, and for six revolutions of the driving wheel after being put in motion, the said cocks may be opened for the purpose of allowing condensed steam to escape.
(Prior code § 188-46)
No train of a greater length than 700 feet shall be moved for the purpose of transferring such train or any part of it, to another, or opposite, or adjoining track in making up any train or distributing the same. No such train shall be composed of more than 20 cars. Provided, further, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to trains while running or being operated on railroad tracks which are elevated above or depressed below the surface of the streets crossing, or adjacent to, such tracks, in accordance with the provisions of any city ordinance requiring such depression or elevation. Provided, further, that this section shall not apply to any private switch yard nor to any place where such train or cars do not obstruct a crossing at the street grade used by traffic and public travel.
Any person that shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be fined for the first violation $100.00, and for each succeeding violation the sum of $200.00.
(Prior code § 188-47)
No person operating a railroad by steam power shall hereafter operate the same by electric power, either by the overhead contact system or otherwise, within the city without first obtaining authority and permission therefor from the city council.
(Prior code § 188-50)