Article I. Organization and Functions
2-32-010   Department established – Composition.
2-32-020   Comptroller – Office created – Appointment.
2-32-030   Comptroller – Powers and duties as fiscal agent.
2-32-031   Debt management policies; retention of rebate calculation agents, financial advisors, consultants, dissemination agents and qualified independent representatives.
2-32-033   Comptroller as director of revenue.
2-32-035   City Asset Lease Agreements (C.A.L.A.) disclosure ordinance.
2-32-040   Comptroller – Supervision of bonds and sureties.
2-32-050   Deputy comptroller.
2-32-055   Municipal marketing authority.
2-32-060   Treasurer – Accounting and reports on city funds.
2-32-065   Treasurer's authority for financial education and outreach programs.
2-32-070   Payments to the city – Records – Bad check fees.
2-32-075   Contracts for payment technology services.
2-32-080   Comptroller – Tax and revenue powers.
2-32-082   Comptroller – Debt collection contracts employing ex-offenders.
2-32-085   Voluntary charitable payroll deductions.
2-32-090   Employees handling public money – Appointment and removal.
2-32-092   Comptroller – Procurement of insurance for the city
2-32-093   Comptroller – Parking and parking administrator.
2-32-094   Indebtedness – Ineligibility for permits and acceptance of applications.
2-32-095   Payments, permits and licenses – Investigations for compliance.
2-32-096   Comptroller – Rules and regulations.
2-32-097   Succession – Transfer of powers.
2-32-098   Effect of transfer on prior actions.
Article II. Financial Accounts and Reports
2-32-100   Fiscal and municipal year.
2-32-105   Fund appropriation ordinances – Effective date.
2-32-110   Accounting system – Auditing and reports.
2-32-120   Reimbursements to the corporate fund.
2-32-130   Reporting on bond transactions.
2-32-140   Treasurer's cash fund.
2-32-150   Equalization and transfer fund.
2-32-160   Comptroller – Records required.
2-32-170   Forms and records for city departments.
2-32-180   Reserved.
2-32-190   Comptroller – Quarterly audits and statements.
2-32-200   Comptroller – Non-payroll payment reports.
2-32-205   Internal compliance.
2-32-210   Comptroller – Annual statement requirements.
2-32-220   Comptroller – Verification of claims and accounts.
2-32-230   Financial reports by officials – Enforcement of compliance.
2-32-240   Fines imposed through humane societies and other groups.
Article III. Working Capital Funds
2-32-250   Establishment and use.
2-32-260   Department accounting duties – Inventories.
2-32-270   Financial statements.
2-32-280   Inventory requirements.
2-32-290   Audits – Inventory of funds.
2-32-300   Expenditure restrictions.
2-32-310   Requisitions and purchase orders.
2-32-320   Charges for materials or services – Basis.
2-32-330   Reimbursement of charges.
2-32-340   Credits to other funds.
Article IV. Payment of Current Obligations
2-32-350   Warrants, checks and electronic funds transfers – Form and signature.
2-32-360   Investigation of vouchered claims.
2-32-370   Warrants – Cancellation conditions and procedures.
2-32-380   Appropriations and fees for paying canceled warrants.
2-32-390   Payment of judgments.
2-32-391   Fees in wage deduction proceedings.
2-32-392   Wage garnishment for municipal debts.
Article V. Municipal Depositories
2-32-400   Bids awarded annually – Conditions.
2-32-410   Federal insurance required.
2-32-420   Time deposits – Certificates of deposit.
2-32-430   Statements of resources and liabilities.
2-32-440   Lending and deposit specifications required.
2-32-450   Loan policy – Pledge requirements and consumer protection statement.
2-32-455   Predatory lenders.
2-32-460   Definitions.
2-32-470   Daily deposit of city funds.
2-32-480   Active banks – Designation authority – Qualifications.
2-32-490   Active banks – Use by treasurer – School funds.
2-32-500   Interest payments on city funds – Report requirements.
2-32-510   Interest on school funds.
Article VI. Investment of City Funds and Municipal Bonds
2-32-515   Investment policy.
2-32-520   Authorized investments.
2-32-525   Minimum credit quality.
2-32-530   Investments from particular funds.
2-32-540   Investments from aggregate of funds.
2-32-550   Investments in tax warrants.
2-32-570   Custody of securities.
2-32-575   Lending securities.
2-32-580   Sale of securities.
2-32-590   Municipal bonds – Comptroller's endorsements.
2-32-600   Municipal bonds – Repurchase conditions and procedures.
2-32-610   Treasurer's reviews and reports.
2-32-615   Training.
2-32-620   Comptroller – Authority to perform treasurer's securities duties when.
2-32-622   Neighborhood economic development investments – Chicago Community Catalyst Fund.
Article VII. Acquisition of Realty and Special Assessments
2-32-625   Homeowner assistance program.
2-32-627   Property tax relief program.
2-32-630   Special assessment bonds – Form and contents.
2-32-640   Special assessment bonds – Sale procedures.
2-32-650   Certificate of payment of special assessment.
2-32-660   Collection of special assessments – Delinquencies.
2-32-670   Settlement of tax claims.
Article VIII. General Obligation Bonds
2-32-680   Issuance conditions.
2-32-690   Bond ordinance – Adoption required – Public hearing.
2-32-700   Bond ordinance – Form and contents.
2-32-710   Bond ordinance – Effect – Signatures.
2-32-720   Bond ordinance – Provisions for payment.
2-32-730   Bond ordinance – Use of proceeds.
2-32-740   Refund bond ordinances.
2-32-750   Bond issuance procedures – Statutory authority.
2-32-760   Judgment tax – Annual levy – Use of funds.
Article IX. Water Revenue Bonds
2-32-770   Issuance – Authorized when – Effect.
2-32-780   Issuance – Ordinance and public hearing required.
2-32-790   Contents of ordinance.
2-32-800   Repayment from water system funds – Water rates.
2-32-810   Execution of ordinance – Signatures.
2-32-820   Signature validity.
2-32-830   Use of proceeds.
2-32-840   Bond issuance procedures – Statutory authority.
2-32-850   Interim financing – Authorized when.
2-32-860   Interim financing – Approval agreement and procedures.
2-32-870   Interim notes – Terms and conditions.
2-32-880   Interim notes – Revenue for repayment.
2-32-890   Interim note issuance – Statutory authority.
Article X. Interim Notes
2-32-900   Basic agreement – Negotiation.
2-32-910   Basic agreement – Form.
2-32-920   Individual projects – Ordinance form and contents.
2-32-930   Payment and interest.
2-32-940   Severance clause.
Article XI. Financing of Cost of Residential Ownership and Development
2-32-950   Definitions for Article XI.
2-32-960   Purpose of Article XI provisions.
2-32-970   Mortgage, bond and other financial powers and duties.
2-32-980   Ordinance authorizing bonds – Contents – Bond specifications.
2-32-990   Covenants in bonds.
2-32-1000   Signature of bonds – Validity of proceedings.
2-32-1010   Securing of bonds.
2-32-1020   Liability limitations for bonds.
2-32-1030   Investment of funds.
2-32-1040   Public building regulations waived.
2-32-1050   Unlawful discriminatory activities.
2-32-1060   Article XI provisions not exclusive.
2-32-1070   Severability clause.
2-32-1080   Construction of ordinance.
Article XII. Financing Sewer System Costs
2-32-1090   Financing of sewer system costs – City authority.
2-32-1100   Note financing – Basic agreement provisions.
2-32-1110   Form and payment of notes.
2-32-1120   Compliance with statutory provisions.
Article XIII. Riverwalk Fund
2-32-1300   Riverwalk Fund.
Article XIV. Workers’ Compensation
2-32-1400   Program administration.
2-32-1410   Annual report.
Article XV. Police and Fire Medical and Hospital Care
2-32-1500   Program administration.
2-32-1510   Duties of department heads.
Article XVI. Environment, Health, and Safety Compliance Program
2-32-1600   Program administration.
Article XVII. Administrative Debt Relief
2-32-1700   Definitions.
2-32-1710   Debt relief program – Establishment and rules.
2-32-1720   Scope of debt relief.
2-32-1730   Hardship payment plans.
2-32-1740   Default.
2-32-1750   Fraudulent conduct.
2-32-1760   Property interest.
2-32-010 Department established – Composition.
   There is hereby established an executive department of the municipal government of the city which shall be known as the department of finance, and shall embrace the offices of city comptroller and city treasurer.
(Prior code § 7-1)
2-32-020 Comptroller – Office created – Appointment.
   There is hereby created the office of city comptroller who shall be the head of the department of finance and shall have the management and control of all matters and things pertaining thereto. He shall be appointed by the mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the city council.
(Prior code § 7-2)
2-32-030 Comptroller – Powers and duties as fiscal agent.
   The Comptroller shall be the fiscal agent of the City and as such shall be charged with and shall exercise general supervision over all officers of the City charged in any manner with the receipt, collection or disbursement of the City revenues and all funds required to be in the custody of the City Treasurer.
   The Comptroller shall have charge of all contracts, judgment-orders, notes, bonds, and evidences of indebtedness belonging to the City except such as are directed by law or ordinance to be deposited elsewhere. He shall have supervision of the issuance and sale of all bonds, warrants, and obligations.
   The Comptroller shall have the power to enter into agreements, including data-sharing agreements, with agencies of the county, state, and federal governments, and their respective designees, as may be necessary or useful to aid in the collection and allocation of revenues. Any such agreement may provide for indemnification, and any City expenditure pursuant to such an agreement shall be subject to the availability of duly appropriated funds.
   It shall be the duty of the City of Chicago’s Chief Financial Officer to post City Asset Lease Agreements and accounting information detailing the utilization of City asset lease proceeds as required by Section 2-32-035 on the City of Chicago, Department of Finance website.
(Prior code § 7-3; Amend Coun. J. 12-29-87, p. 9263; Amend Coun. J. 6-3-09, p. 63075, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 11-16-11, p. 13798, Art. I, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 11-7-18, p. 88803, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 10-16-19, p. 6820, § 1)
2-32-031 Debt management policies; retention of rebate calculation agents, financial advisors, consultants, dissemination agents and qualified independent representatives.
   (a)   The chief financial officer and the comptroller shall each have authority to retain, in connection with debt obligations issued by the City, such rebate calculation agents as either such officer may deem necessary or desirable in order for such debt obligations to comply with applicable requirements of the Internal Revenue Code.
   (b)   The chief financial officer shall have authority to retain, in connection with financial products and debt obligations purchased, entered into and/or issued by the City, such advisors to provide structuring, timing and related advice for such financial products and debt obligations, as deemed necessary in compliance with the applicable requirements of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Public Law 111-203, and the regulations in connection therewith.
   (c)   The chief financial officer shall have authority to retain, in connection with debt obligations issued by the City, such qualified independent representatives for selecting, retaining and monitoring the performance of the City's interest rate exchange agreements, as deemed necessary or desirable in order for such interest rate exchange agreements to comply with applicable requirements of the Dodd-Frank Act and the regulations in connection therewith. As used in this section, "interest rate exchange agreements" shall mean those certain interest rate exchange agreements entered into pursuant to an ordinance of the city council authorizing the issuance of a series of bonds.
   (d)   The chief financial officer shall have authority to adopt written policies which shall address the management of the city's bond, note and other debt issuances, including the entering into of interest rate exchange agreements and hiring of advisors in connection therewith. The chief financial officer may amend such written policies from time to time. Copies of each such written policy and any amendments thereto shall be kept on file with the comptroller.
   (e)   The chief financial officer shall have authority to retain, in connection with debt obligations issued by the City, such dissemination agents to assist with continuing disclosure requirements under continuing disclosure agreements entered into by the City in connection with City debt obligations as deemed necessary or desirable in order to ensure ongoing compliance with Rule 15c2-12 of the Securities and Exchange Commission and any successor or similar disclosure requirements of the federal or state government.
   (f)   In connection with proposed acquisition and/or disposition of existing or new sources of revenue, whether by the City or sister agencies or entities acting on behalf of or for the benefit of the City or sister agencies (including through the issuance of debt obligations or other means), the chief financial officer shall have authority to retain financial advisors and consultants to provide to the City structuring, timing and related advice for such proposed transactions.
   (g)   In connection with the administration of workers' compensation and other insurance claims payable, per the annual appropriation ordinance, from the Chicago Midway Airport Fund and the Chicago O'Hare Airport Fund, and as needed to secure insurance agreements entered into by the Comptroller covering construction and operations at Chicago O'Hare International Airport and Chicago Midway International Airport, the Chief Financial Officer is authorized to obtain one or more letters of credit, lines of credit, or tri-party trust agreements (collectively, for purposes of this subsection, "security instruments"). Such security instruments may provide for indemnification. Each such security instrument, if applicable, shall bear interest at a rate or rates not to exceed seven percent (7%) per annum. The sum total of all such security instruments at any one time outstanding shall not exceed an aggregate of fifty million dollars ($50,000,000). Terms exceeding these limits shall be approved by the City Council.
   (h)   (1)   In connection with revenues from operation of any casino located within the City pursuant to a temporary operator permit or owners license issued by the Illinois Gaming Board, the Chief Financial Officer shall have authority to enter into agreements, instruments and other documents and provide consents, waivers or approvals as contemplated under the Host Community Agreement referenced in Section 13 of this ordinance (the "Host Community Agreement"), and perform any other ministerial acts necessary for the administration of the Host Community Agreement.
      (2)   Notwithstanding subparagraph (h)(1), no material amendment or change to: (i) the Host Community Agreement; or (ii) any such agreement, instrument or other document referenced in subparagraph (h)(1), shall be made or be effective unless ratified or authorized by an ordinance duly adopted by the City Council. The term "material" for the purpose of this subsection (h) means any deviation in terms which operates to cancel or otherwise reduce any developmental, construction, sourcing or job-creating obligations of the casino developer by more than ten percent (10%) or materially changes the casino project sites or character of the casino project or the activities undertaken by the casino developer affecting the casino project sites, the casino project, or both, or increases any time agreed for performance by the casino developer by more than ninety (90) days.
      (3)   The Chief Financial Officer shall have the authority to retain financial advisors, consultants and services firms to provide the City advice and services in connection with administering, or otherwise relating to any activities contemplated by or arising from, any such Host Community Agreement.
      (4)   Any City revenues from operation of a casino within the City shall be subject to appropriation by the City Council.
(Added Coun. J. 7-28-10, p. 96442, § 27; Amend Coun. J. 2-5-14, p. 73627, § 26; Amend Coun. J. 6-17-15, p. 531, § 21; Amend Coun. J. 1-13-16, p. 16268, § 21; Amend Coun. J. 10-5-16, p. 32565, § 21; Amend Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 54177, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 1-23-19, p. 93851, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 4-24-20, p. 15049, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 2-26-21, p. 27714, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 5-25-22, p. 48413, § 1)