2-32-360 Investigation of vouchered claims.
   Upon the presentation of any voucher for payment, the comptroller, in his discretion, before issuing a warrant therefor, is hereby authorized to cause to be made an inspection and examination of the article supplied and work and labor performed, whether by written contract or otherwise, as well as any items appearing in any such voucher, for the purpose of ascertaining that such items, or any of them, are correct and the price and quality of the labor or service performed and the price, quality and amount of goods, wares and merchandise represented by such voucher, are fair and just and in accordance with the terms of the written contract, if any there be, and that all requirements and obligations, expressed or implied, pertaining thereto, have been complied with. For any such examination and inspection, all departments, bureaus, boards and persons having supervision of work and labor or the purchasing of supplies or material to be paid for by the city, are hereby directed to render such assistance to the comptroller as may be necessary, to determine the price, quality and character of the work and labor performed, material supplied, or the faithful performance of contracts. If upon any such inspection and examination by the comptroller any irregularities are discovered, the comptroller shall report such irregularities to the city council.
(Prior code § 7-26)
2-32-370 Warrants – Cancellation conditions and procedures.
   Whenever any warrant drawn upon the treasurer remains in the hands of the comptroller uncalled for, or any warrant which has been delivered by the comptroller to the payee thereof, remains outstanding and unpaid, during a period of two years from and after the last day of the fiscal year in which such warrant was drawn, the comptroller may, in his discretion, cancel such warrant and credit the fund against which such warrant was drawn. The comptroller shall maintain a register of the warrants so canceled and shall notify the treasurer of the cancellation of such warrants as have been delivered to the payees thereof, and the treasurer shall withhold payment upon such warrants if presented for payment.
   Whenever any warrant drawn against a special deposit or special fund shall be canceled, the amount thereof shall be withdrawn from such special deposit or special fund and shall be placed in the corporate fund, except that in case the said special deposit or special fund was created for the security of payments accreditable to the water fund, the amount of the warrant canceled shall be placed in the water fund.
   Provided, however, that nothing in this section contained shall be deemed to authorize the cancellation of any warrant for the payment of any rebate out of any fund derived from any special assessment or special taxation, except in the manner provided by statute.
(Prior code § 7-27)
2-32-380 Appropriations and fees for paying canceled warrants.
   The city council shall annually, in its annual appropriation ordinance, provide a suitable appropriation for the payment of such warrants as have been canceled as provided in Section 2-32-370, to the person rightfully entitled thereto, who shall upon demand receive a new warrant in the same amount or so much thereof as he is rightfully entitled to. This new warrant shall be charged to the appropriation and fund provided and specified by the city council in the annual appropriation ordinance referred to herein, and a record of the payment of the same shall be kept upon the register of warrants canceled. Except in cases where the need to issue a replacement warrant is due to an error on the part of the City, the Comptroller shall charge a fee of $30.00 for each replacement warrant requested, to recoup the costs incurred by the City in connection with the request.
(Prior code § 7-28; Amend Coun. J. 11-17-10, p. 107294, Art. I, § 1)
2-32-390 Payment of judgments.
   All judgments shall be paid in the order of the date of entry upon the records of the court; provided, that if after the comptroller has sent notice by registered mail to the judgment creditor or his attorney of record that such claim is ready for payment and such judgment creditor fails to present such judgment, with satisfaction piece, for payment within 15 days, then judgments next in the order of entry shall be paid.
(Prior code § 7-29)