There is hereby created a fund to be known as the equalization and transfer fund. For the purpose of facilitating the equalization or apportionment of the amounts of the balances on deposit with the several depositaries and the speedy transfer of money from one depositary to another in case of necessity, the mayor and comptroller are hereby authorized to draw warrants, from time to time, for such amounts as may in their judgment be necessary or advisable for the proper apportionment of the city deposits among its depositaries or for the protection of the city's interests. Such warrants shall be made payable to the city treasurer, and shall be chargeable to such equalization and transfer fund, which shall in turn be credited with the respective amounts thereof deposited with one or more of the other depositaries, as the case may be.
(Prior code § 7-16)
The comptroller shall keep, in a clear, methodical manner, a complete set of books, wherein shall be stated, among other things, the appropriations of the year for each distinct object and branch of expenditure, and also the receipts from each and every source of revenue, so far as he can ascertain the same.
(Prior code § 7-17)
The forms, ledgers, warrants, vouchers, books of account, and all other papers and records used in the various departments and boards of the city government in the transaction of all public business, when not otherwise prescribed by law, shall be such as the comptroller may from time to time prescribe.
(Prior code § 7-18)