The city treasurer shall have the authority to research, conduct educational programs, provide counseling and disseminate information regarding financial education, small business support and access to banking (for purposes of this section, collectively "financial programs") for residents of the city. The city treasurer is authorized to organize, administer and deliver financial programs either directly or through agents. In furtherance of organizing, administering and delivering financial programs, the city treasurer shall have the authority to: (1) award and apply for, and accept on behalf of the city, grants; and (2) enter into service agreements with public and private entities; and perform any and all acts, including the expenditure of funds subject to appropriation therefor, as shall be necessary or advisable in connection with such service agreements, including any renewals thereto.
The city treasurer is authorized to enter into and execute sponsorship agreements, containing terms and conditions that she deems appropriate, in conjunction with the treasurer's Small Business Entrepreneur Expo Program (for purposes of this paragraph, "Expo"). For purposes of this paragraph, the term "sponsor(s)" means those persons providing money or other in-kind goods or services to the city in exchange for advertising or promotional rights at Expo. Sponsors may, in the discretion of the city treasurer, and upon such terms as the city treasurer determines, sell goods and services to the public at Expo.
(Added Coun. J. 11-19-08, p. 47220, Art. III, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 5-12-10, p. 89520, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 1-13-17, p. 44846, § 1)
License fees, inspection fees, compensation for franchises and all other payments of money to the city not otherwise specifically provided for shall be paid directly to the city comptroller and such payments shall be transmitted daily by the city comptroller to the city treasurer. The city comptroller shall establish, maintain and preserve statistical records of revenue, taxes, license or permit measures and shall report to the mayor from time to time, or as often as the mayor deems necessary.
A fee of $34.00 shall be imposed on any person, corporation, trustee, court-appointed representative, association or partnership who tenders a check or draft as payment of any tax, license fee, inspection fee, franchise fee or other payment to the city if the check or draft is returned unpaid for any reason. This fee shall be paid within 30 days after notice of return of the check or draft, and shall be in addition to any other fee or penalty imposed for late payment of the tax or fee involved.
(Prior code § 7-7; Amend Coun. J. 7-15-87, p. 1978; Amend Coun. J. 3-23-89, p. 25860)
(a) Definitions. The following definitions shall apply for the purposes of this section:
“Application” means any software installed or available for download on a computer, tablet, smart phone, kiosk, or other electronic device, or any website, mobile application or platform, internet-enabled application or platform or digital platform.
“Payment technology” means any software, hardware, or other innovation owned, operated, or authorized for use by the City for its benefit or the benefit of the public that enables any person to engage in financial transactions.
“Third party” means any provider of an application, including, but not limited to, a provider of any payment technology application.
“Utility company” means any enterprise that provides utility services, including, but not limited to, gas, electricity, water, sewage, or telecommunications.
(b) Authority. The Comptroller is authorized to enter into and execute one or more agreements with a third party, permitting the third party to install an application on payment technology in order to enable persons to pay utility company bills. Third parties may generate revenue from the application installed on the payment technology. However, third parties shall not collect payment, in any form, from the persons who use the application to pay utility company bills.
(Added Coun. J. 11-15-23, p. 6700, Art. III, § 1)
In addition to the other powers conferred on him, the city comptroller shall have the powers enumerated in paragraphs A through F hereof:
A. To administer and enforce all the responsibilities, powers and duties delegated to him in every tax ordinance presently contained in or to be included in the Municipal Code of Chicago; provided, however, that where said tax revenues are now and are continued to be collected by the State of Illinois for and in behalf of the City of Chicago and remitted to the City of Chicago, the department of finance shall act solely in an advisory capacity with respect to such collections;
B. To correct errors of tax designation on department records and to notify the city treasurer so that necessary adjustments and corresponding changes may be made;
C. To investigate, analyze and propose new revenue programs for the City of Chicago toward the end that revenue, tax, license and permit fee financial burdens may be equitably distributed among the citizens of the City of Chicago;
D. To require the production and examination of books, papers, records and documents pertinent to any tax liability, or license and permit fee, or revenue question as well as to institute investigations, inquiries or hearings consistent with the requirements of due process of law and to take testimony and proof under oath at such hearings;
E. To take such steps, actions, and to request prosecutions by the corporation counsel's office, for the purpose of enforcing ordinances relating to revenue, tax, license and permit fees receivable by the City of Chicago;
F. To receive, hear and decide all protests and challenges to the determinations of tax liability of any taxpayer and to issue, tentative and final determinations of such claims;
G. To accept payments, including by credit card, in categories of receivables designated by the comptroller, and to impose a surcharge on such payments. Such surcharges, if any, shall reasonably relate to the average cost incurred by the city to process such payments. The comptroller shall post a notice setting forth the amount of applicable surcharges at all places where payments are accepted, including electronically for payments made on-line.
(Prior code § 7-8; Amend Coun. J. 11-16-11, p. 13798, Art. I, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 11-21-17, p. 61858, Art. I, § 1)
(a) The city comptroller is authorized, subject to the availability of duly appropriated funds, to negotiate and enter into contracts from time to time with one or more collection agencies which employ ex-offenders to perform debt collection services on the City's behalf (for purposes of this section, "Services").
(b) A collection agency shall not be eligible to contract with the City pursuant to this section unless all ex-offenders it employs to perform Services have been trained and screened for employment by one or more not-for-profit corporations that provide appropriate ex- offender training and screening services.
(c) As a prerequisite to entering into contracts pursuant to this section, the comptroller shall establish and apply standards of conduct and performance that the applicable not-for-profit corporation and collection agency must meet.
(d) The contracts authorized by this section may contain terms that the comptroller determines to be reasonable and appropriate, including terms governing reasonable compensation. Compensation for Services may, in the discretion of the comptroller, include payment based upon a percentage of debts collected that are attributable to Services performed.
(Added Coun. J. 2-13-13, p. 46724, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 11-13-13, p. 65198, § 1)