2-32-190 Comptroller – Quarterly audits and statements.
   The comptroller shall revise and audit all accounts in which the city is concerned, either as debtor or creditor. He shall make quarterly each year, during the months of January, April, July and October, an audit of the accounts and records of the city treasury, verifying the city's cash and securities in the hands of the city treasurer. He shall also submit to the city council on or before the first day of each of the months of February, May, August and November a statement of the cash income and disbursements of the corporate purposes fund and also a statement of the funded debt of the city and the floating debt of the corporate purposes fund for the quarterly periods ending December 31st, March 31st, June 30th and September 30th respectively. The statement of income and disbursements shall show separately the cash on hand at the beginning of the quarter, the amounts received from taxes, from miscellaneous revenue and from the proceeds of the sale of tax warrants, and the amounts disbursed for salaries and for other expenses.
(Prior code § 7-20)