2-32-035 City Asset Lease Agreements (C.A.L.A.) disclosure ordinance.
   (a)   The following City Asset Lease Agreement documents and any future lease agreements worth more than $10,000,000 shall be made publicly available as electronic, searchable files on the City of Chicago's Department of Finance website:
   1.   The ordinances establishing the leasing of or long-term concession concerning the Chicago Skyway Toll Bridge System, the Chicago Downtown Public Parking System, the Chicago Metered Parking System.
   2.   Any introduced legislation pertaining to proposed City asset lease agreements, worth more than $10,000,000, including all attachments and any amendments thereof, prior to its referral to the appropriate Chicago City Council Committee.
   3.   Any future City asset lease agreements approved by the Chicago City Council and worth more than $10,000,000, including all attachments, and any amendments thereof.
   4.   A separate accounting document detailing the allocation of lease proceeds including, but not necessarily limited to, appropriations, investments, interest income earned, and distributions to future budget years. This document should also detail the payment of all fees and expenses related to the lease transaction. Additionally, the document should list the names and fees paid to all financial consultants, auditors and/or financial institutions hired by the city to invest and manage City asset lease proceed funds.
   5.   A quarterly update of the accounting document for each city asset lease agreement. The Chief Financial Officer/Comptroller shall submit such update to the Chairman of the Committee on Finance and/or post such update on the Department of Finance's website, and shall appear before that Committee to present the status of each agreement where appropriate or necessary.
   (b)   In addition to the requirements set forth in subsection (a) of this section, any future lease agreements worth $400,000,000 or more shall be subject to the requirements set out in Chapter 2-164 of this Code.
(Added Coun. J. 6-3-09, p. 63075, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 11-18-15, p. 14398, § 3)
2-32-040 Comptroller – Supervision of bonds and sureties.
   Except where otherwise provided, all indemnifying bonds required to be given by any person to the city to insure the performance or carrying out of any contract entered into with the city, or the observance and performance of any ordinance of the city, or of any other obligation, promise, or undertaking shall be subject to the approval of the city comptroller.
   It shall be the duty of the comptroller, if at any time it comes to his knowledge that any or all of the sureties on any such bond or any indemnifying bond required to be filed with the city clerk are insolvent or will be unable to respond in damages in case any liability shall arise upon any such bond, to notify forthwith the principal or principals upon such bond of such fact, and direct that different and satisfactory sureties be at once procured.
   It shall be the duty of the comptroller to make, from time to time, such examination as is necessary to keep informed as to the responsibility and sufficiency of any and all sureties upon any such bond or bonds, filed either with him or with the city clerk, or kept on file in his office or the office of the city clerk. In the event of a refusal or neglect on the part of any principal or principals so notified by the comptroller to procure a satisfactory surety or sureties, when directed so to do as herein provided, the comptroller shall forthwith report to the city council, setting forth in such report, the name of the principal and sureties upon the bond and the nature of the contract, undertaking or obligation which such bond was given to secure, with such recommendations and further information as he may deem necessary and proper.
   Except where otherwise provided, all such bonds shall be filed in the office of the comptroller.
(Prior code § 7-4)
2-32-050 Deputy comptroller.
   There is hereby created the office of deputy city comptroller. The comptroller may appoint such number of deputies as may be provided for in the annual appropriation ordinance. The deputy comptroller shall, during the disability or absence of the comptroller, have and exercise the powers and duties of the comptroller and shall at all times have and exercise such powers and duties as may be assigned to him by the comptroller. The comptroller shall designate which deputy shall act during the disability or absence of the comptroller.
(Prior code § 7-5)