2-32-950 Definitions for Article XI.
   Whenever used in Sections 2-32-950 through 2-32-1080, the following words or terms shall have the following respective meanings unless different meanings clearly appear from the context:
   (a)   "Bonds" means the revenue bonds authorized under this ordinance and includes notes and any and all other limited obligations payable as provided hereunder.
   (b)   "Municipality" means the City of Chicago, Cook County, Illinois.
   (c)   "Person" means any individual, partnership, copartnership, firm, company, corporation, lending institution, association, joint stock company, trust, estate, political subdivision, state agency or any other legal entity, or its legal representative, agent or assigns, but shall, when used with reference to a mortgagor or owner of a home, mean a natural person or a trust for the benefit of such natural person.
   (d)   "Residential development" means the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, repair, alteration, improvement or extension of any land, interest in land, building, structure, facility, system, fixture, improvement, addition, appurtenance, machinery or equipment or any combination thereof, all real and personal property deemed necessary in connection therewith and all real and personal property or improvements functionally related and subordinate thereto, substantially for use by or intended to be occupied substantially by persons of low or moderate income for the purpose of decent, safe and sanitary housing, and in connection therewith nonhousing facilities which are an integral part of or functionally related to such residential development not to exceed ten percent of the cost of such residential development in accordance with the terms contained in this ordinance. Any such residential development shall be located within the municipality.
   (e)   "Development costs" means and includes the sum total of all reasonable or necessary costs incidental to the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, repair, alteration, improvement and extension of a residential development, including, without limitation, the following: the cost of studies and surveys; plans and specifications; architectural and engineering services; underwriting fees; legal, accounting, marketing and other special services relating to residential development or incurred in connection with the issuance and sale of bonds; necessary application and other fees to federal, state and local government agencies for any requisite approvals for construction, for assisted financing or otherwise; financing, acquisition, demolition, construction, equipment and site development of new and rehabilitated buildings; the relocation of utilities, public ways and parks; the construction of recreational, cultural and commercial facilities; rehabilitation, reconstruction, repair or remodeling of existing buildings and all other necessary and incidental expenses, including trustee and rating agency fees and an initial bond and interest reserve together with interest on bonds issued to finance a residential development to a date six months subsequent to the estimated date of completion; any premiums for mortgage insurance or insurance with respect to bonds; and such other expenses as the municipality may deem appropriate to effectuate the purposes of this ordinance.
   (f)   "Lending institution" means any bank, trust company, savings bank, national banking association, savings and loan association, building and loan association, mortgage banker or other financial institution or governmental agency which customarily provides service or otherwise aids in the financing of mortgages on single-family residential housing or multifamily residential housing located in the municipality or any holding company for any of the foregoing.
   (g)   "Home mortgage" means an interest-bearing loan to a mortgagor for the purpose of purchasing or improving a home, evidenced by a promissory note and secured by a mortgage on such home, but shall not include a loan primarily for the purpose of refinancing an existing loan.
   (h)   "Home" means real property and improvements thereon located within the municipality consisting of not more than six dwelling units, including but not limited to condominium units, owned by one mortgagor who occupies or intends to occupy one of such units.
   (i)   "Mortgagor" means a person or persons whose adjusted gross aggregate income, together with the adjusted gross aggregate income of all persons who intend to reside with such person or persons in one dwelling unit, shall not have exceeded $50,000.00 for the immediately preceding taxable year and who has received a home mortgage on a home.
(Prior code § 7-85)