2-32-590 Municipal bonds – Comptroller's endorsements.
   By the endorsement of the comptroller upon any bonds of the city payable to bearer, when presented for that purpose by the owner, such bonds shall become payable only to the party named in such endorsement, his assignees or legal representatives, anything on the face of such bonds to the contrary notwithstanding. The affidavit of the party presenting any such bonds, or his authorized agent or attorney, to the effect that he is the owner thereof, shall be sufficient evidence to the comptroller of such ownership.
   The endorsement of the comptroller may be in the following form:
      By virtue of the act of the general assembly of Illinois, the ordinances of the City of Chicago, and the consent of (A. B.) the owner of this bond, this bond is made payable only to said (A. B.), his assignees or legal representatives, anything on the face hereof to the contrary notwithstanding. (C. D.) Comptroller.
(Prior code § 7-47)