2-32-1740 Default.
   (a)   If a hardship payment plan enters default status, the hardship debtor shall no longer be eligible to receive waiver of fines or other costs pursuant to this Article.
   (b)   The City may provide notice to a hardship debtor enrolled in a hardship payment plan prior to declaring a default; however, notice to the hardship debtor is not required for a default to be effective.
   (c)   If a hardship debtor defaults on a hardship payment plan, they shall no longer be eligible to receive waiver of other costs pursuant to Section 2-32-1720 and the City shall be entitled to pursue any and all collection activities, including adjudication at a court of competent jurisdiction, to recover all unpaid fines, restitution, and other costs without further notice.
(Added Coun. J. 11-15-23, p. 6700, Art. II, § 1)