General Provisions
155.0101 Title
155.0102 Purpose
155.0103 Interpretation and relationship to other regulations
155.0104 Separability
155.0105 Repeal of conflicting ordinances
155.0106 Effective date
155.0107 Area of jurisdiction
155.0201 General applicability of chapter
Zoning Map
155.0301 Zoning Map
155.0302 Interpretation of district boundaries
155.0303 Establishment of districts
OS Open Space District
155.0401 Purpose
155.0402 Permitted uses
155.0403 Conditional uses
155.0404 Minimum lot and yard sizes, maximum lot coverage
SF-1 Single-Family Residential District
155.0501 Purpose
155.0502 Permitted uses
155.0503 Conditional uses
155.0504 Minimum lot and yard sizes, maximum lot coverage
155.0505 Minimum dwelling areas
SF-2 Single-Family Residential
155.0601 Purpose
155.0602 Permitted uses
155.0603 Conditional uses
155.0604 Minimum lot and yard sizes, maximum lot coverage
155.0605 Minimum dwelling areas
RM Residential/Medical District
155.0701 Purpose
155.0702 Permitted uses
155.0703 Conditional uses
155.0704 Minimum lot and yard sizes; maximum lot coverage
155.0705 Minimum dwelling areas
155.0706 Maximum building sizes and development standards for medical clinic/professional offices and hospitals
155.0707 Site plan review
MF Multiple-Family Residential District
155.0801 Purpose
155.0802 Permitted uses
155.0803 Conditional uses
155.0804 Minimum lot and yard sizes, maximum lot coverage
155.0805 Minimum dwelling areas
155.0806 Site plan review
MHP Manufactured Park District
155.0901 Purpose
155.0902 Approval procedure
155.0903 General standards for manufactured home parks
155.0904 Manufactured home park requirements
155.0905 Permitted uses
155.0906 Conditional uses
NC Neighborhood Commercial District
155.1001 Purpose
155.1002 Permitted uses
155.1003 Conditional uses
155.1004 Minimum lot and yard sizes, maximum lot coverage
155.1005 Site plan review
OMC Office/Medical/Commercial District
155.1101 Purpose
155.1102 Permitted uses
155.1103 Conditional uses
155.1104 Minimum lot and yard sizes, maximum lot coverage
155.1105 Site plan review
CBD Central Business District
155.1201 Purpose
155.1202 Permitted uses
155.1203 Conditional uses
155.1204 Minimum lot and yard sizes, maximum lot coverage
155.1205 Site plan review
GSC General Service Commercial District
155.1301 Purpose
155.1302 Permitted uses
155.1303 Conditional uses
155.1304 Minimum lot and yard sizes, maximum lot coverage
155.1305 Site plan review
CI Community Industrial District
155.1401 Purpose
155.1402 Permitted uses
155.1403 Conditional uses
155.1404 Minimum lot and yard sizes, maximum lot coverage
155.1405 Site plan review
PD Planned Development District (PD-RS, PD-MX)
155.1501 Purpose
155.1502 General requirements and PD District designation
155.1503 Permitted uses
155.1504 General development standards
155.1505 Residential (PD-RS) development standards
155.1506 General PD approval procedure
155.1507 Final plan
155.1508 Final plan and rezoning approval procedure process
155.1509 Criteria of approval - final plan
155.1510 Amendments and changes
Downtown Historical District
155.1601 Established
155.1602 Purpose; signage controls
155.1603 Certificate of appropriateness and permit
155.1604 Application and permit procedures
155.1605 Abandoned signs
155.1606 Measurement: signs exempted from area requirements
155.1607 Signs which do not require a permit
155.1608 Temporary signs and temporary sign permits
155.1609 Permanent signs
155.1610 Nonconforming signs
155.1611 Street number required
155.1612 Penalty
155.1613 Design control
155.1614 Plans subject to review
155.1615 Criteria for evaluating applications for certification
155.1616 Design requirements
155.1617 Procedure for architectural review; approval certificate
155.1618 Variance procedures
Yard, Lot Coverage, and Height Restrictions
155.1701 Yard, lot coverage, and height restrictions table
155.1702 Definitions
155.1703 Supplemental yard and height regulations
Conditional Uses, Variances, and Appeals
155.1801 Purpose
155.1802 Procedures for obtaining a conditional use permit
155.1803 Appeals and variances
Supplemental Use, Height, Area Regulations and Exceptions
155.1901 General
155.1902 Conversion of dwellings to more units
155.1903 Private swimming pools
155.1904 Community or club swimming pools
155.1905 Temporary buildings
155.1906 Parking and storage of certain vehicles
155.1907 Fence regulations
155.1908 Architectural projections
155.1909 Exceptions to height regulations
155.1910 Fire hazards
155.1911 Radioactivity or electrical disturbance
155.1912 Air pollution
155.1913 Enforcement provisions
155.1914 Home occupations
155.1915 Child care
Nonconforming Uses of Land or Nonconforming Buildings
155.2001 Nonconforming use
155.2002 Nonconforming structures
155.2003 Nonconforming lots
Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements
155.2101 General requirements
155.2102 Off-street parking design standards
155.2103 Parking space dimensions
155.2104 Exceptions to Table 1
155.2105 Access
155.2106 Setbacks
155.2107 Screenings
155.2108 Paving
155.2109 Lighting
155.2110 Location of parking spaces
155.2111 Disabled vehicles
155.2112 Drainage
155.2113 Visibility
155.2114 Marking
155.2115 Maintenance
155.2116 Signs
155.2117 Parking space requirements
155.2118 Parking lots
155.2119 General interpretations
Site Plan Review Procedures
155.2201 Conditions for review
155.2202 Access control requirements
155.2203 Traffic impact study
155.2204 Procedure for site plan review
Sign Regulations
155.2301 Purpose
155.2302 Applicability
155.2303 General provisions
155.2304 Home occupation signs
155.2305 NC Neighborhood Commercial District signs
155.2306 CBD Central Business District signs
155.2307 RM, OMC and GSC District signs
155.2308 CI Community Industrial District signs
155.2309 Temporary signs and banners
155.2310 Illumination
155.2311 Application for sign permit; fees
155.2312 Exemptions
155.2313 Prohibited signage
Landscaping Regulations
155.2401 Landscaping requirements
155.2402 Special exceptions
155.2403 Screening of service courts, storage areas, and loading dock
155.2404 Screening of trash container receptacles
155.2405 Parking lot screening and landscaping
155.2406 Interior parking area landscaping
155.2501 Purpose
155.2502 General provisions
155.2503 Zoning inspector
155.2504 Planning and Zoning Commission
155.2505 Duties of the Zoning Inspector, Planning and Zoning Commission, legislative authority, and courts on matters of appeal
155.2506 City Council
155.2507 Removal for misconduct and vacancy appointments
155.2508 Schedule of fees
155.2601 General
155.2602 Zoning permits required
155.2603 Contents of applications for zoning permit
155.2604 Approval of zoning permit
155.2605 Expiration of zoning permit
155.2606 Certificate of occupancy
155.2607 Temporary certificate of occupancy
155.2608 Record of zoning permits and certificates of occupancy
155.2609 Failure to obtain a zoning permit or certificate of occupancy
155.2610 Construction and use as provided in applications, plans, and permits
155.2611 Complaints regarding violations
155.2612 Entry and inspection of property
155.2613 Stop work order
155.2614 Zoning permit revocation
155.2615 Notice of violation
155.2616 Ticketing procedure
155.2617 Penalties and fines
155.2618 Additional remedies
155.2701 Procedure for zoning amendments
155.2702 General
155.2703 Initiation of zoning amendments
155.2704 Contents of application for zoning map amendment
155.2705 Contents of application for zoning text amendment
155.2706 Transmittal to Planning and Zoning Commission
155.2707 Recommendation by Planning and Zoning Commission
155.2708 Public hearing by City Council
155.2709 Notice of public hearing in newspaper
155.2710 Action by City Council
155.2711 Effective date and referendum
155.2712 Annexation
155.2801 Definitions and general interpretation
Statutory reference:
Appeals from denials of building permits and zoning decisions, see R.C. § 713.11
Council to hold public hearing on zoning ordinances, see R.C. § 713.12
Off-street parking facilities, see R.C. §§ 717.05 et seq.
Violation of zoning ordinances, see R.C. § 713.13
Zoning applies to housing projects, see R.C. § 3735.44
This chapter shall be known and may be cited and referred to as the "City of Cambridge Zoning Ordinance." The map that accompanies this chapter and is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof, shall be referred to as the "City of Cambridge Zoning Map."
(Ord. 37-02, passed 7-10-02)
This chapter is enacted for the purpose of promoting public health, safety, convenience, comfort, prosperity, or general welfare, for the limitations and regulation of the height, bulk, and location, including percentage of lot occupancy; set back building lines, and area and dimensions of yards, courts, and other open spaces; and the uses of buildings and other structures and of the premises in such zones or districts; and for the purposes of promoting the Comprehensive General Plan for the city. This chapter is in accordance with powers granted by the R.C. § 713.06.
(Ord. 37-02, passed 7-10-02)
The interpretation and application of the provisions of this chapter shall be held to be the minimum requirements, adopted for the promotion of the public health, safety, and general welfare. When the requirements of this chapter conflict with the requirements of any other lawfully adopted rules, regulations, or ordinances, the most restrictive or those imposing the higher standards shall govern.
(Ord. 37-02, passed 7-10-02)