In any RM Residential Medical, OMC Office/ Medical/Commercial, or GSC General/Service Commercial District, the following shall apply:
   (A)   For any one building, the following signs are allowed:
      (1)   Free-standing sign. Only one free-standing sign is permitted per building regardless of the number of businesses located in the building and such free-standing sign (with the exception of highway signs described below) may not exceed 15 feet. The maximum sign area for a free-standing sign is 30 square feet. Attached secondary signs may be added for additional businesses in one building but may not exceed 10 square feet. The free-standing sign may not be located closer to the public right-of-way than 10 feet.
      (2)   Highway signs. One highway sign may be located on a property when such property is within 500 feet of a limited access highway; if allowed and approved as a conditional use by the Planning and Zoning Commission in accordance with § 155.1802. The maximum height of a highway sign shall be 40 feet and the maximum area of the sign shall be 80 square feet. The lighting, materials, location, and orientation of the sign shall be approved as part of the conditional use, and reductions in sign area elsewhere on the property may be a condition of approval. The highway sign may not be located closer to the public right-of-way than 10 feet.
      (3)   Wall signs. Wall signs attached to or painted on the wall surface of any building or structure may not occupy more than 20% of any wall area of which the sign(s) are a part of or to which sign(s) are most neary parallel. Only three wall signs are permitted per building or structure.
   (B)   When a structure contains more than one business establishment or when the owners of two or more contiguous lots voluntarily agree to develop common signage, a common signage plan may be submitted and approved
   (C)   All signs may be internally or externally illuminated. Flashing signs are prohibited.
   (D)   Any variance from the above shall require approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(Ord. 37-02, passed 7-10-02) Penalty, see § 155.2617