NC Neighborhood Commercial Districts are usually abutting residential areas and are within walking distance of residential housing. In order to maintain an aesthetically appealing and pleasant environment for the residents abutting the commercial use, the following shall apply:
   (A)   A business located within a neighborhood commercial district shall be allowed a maximum of two signs which may be a combination of any of the following:
      (1)   A wall sign not to exceed 10% of the building's wall area where the sign is mounted. If more than one business is located in one building, the total number of square feet for all signs must not exceed 10% of the building and only one wall sign per business shall be permitted.
      (2)   A free-standing sign not to exceed 15 feet in height with a maximum of 15 square feet of sign area. Only one free-standing sign will be allowed per building.
      (3)   Secondary signs attached to a free-standing sign are permitted, if more than one business is located in a single building. Secondary signs may not exceed ten square feet of sign area, and only one secondary sign per business shall be permitted on the free-standing sign.
      (4)   A projecting sign not to exceed 15 square feet. If more than one business is located in one building, one projecting sign per business shall be permitted.
   (B)   One sign may be illuminated per business. Flashing signs or internally illuminated signs are not permitted.
   (C)   Any variance from the above shall require approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(Ord. 37-02, passed 7-10-02) Penalty, see § 155.2617