Whenever the Zoning Inspector or his or her agent determines that there is a violation of any provision of this chapter, a certified letter to the property owner shall be issued and shall serve as a notice of violation. Such certified letter shall:
(A) Include a statement of the reasons why it is being issued and refer to the sections of this chapter being violated.
(B) State the time by which the violation shall be corrected.
(C) If a certified mail envelope is returned with endorsement showing that the envelope is unclaimed, then service shall be sent by ordinary mail and the mailing shall be evidenced by a certificate of mailing which shall be filed by the Zoning Inspector. Service shall be deemed complete when the fact of mailing is entered in record, provided that the ordinary mail envelope is not returned by the postal authorities with an endorsement showing failure of delivery.
(Ord. 37-02, passed 7-10-02)
(A) If, upon re-inspection by the Zoning Inspector following the issuance of a notice of violation, the condition has not been corrected, the person or persons responsible shall be issued a ticket by the Zoning Inspector. Such ticket shall:
(1) Be served personally.
(2) Be in writing.
(3) Identify the violation.
(4) State the time, date, and place for appearance in court.
(5) State the amount of the fine payable in lieu of a court appearance.
(B) If the ticket cannot be served personally, the Zoning Inspector shall request that a summons be issued by the court.
(Ord. 37-02, passed 7-10-02)
It shall be unlawful to erect, establish, locate construct, reconstruct, enlarge, change, convert, move, repair, maintain, or structurally alter any building, structure or land in violation of any provision of this chapter or any amendment thereto. Any person, firm, or corporation who violates this chapter or fails to comply with any of its requirements shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than $100, and in addition, shall pay all costs and expenses involved in the case. Each day such violation continues after receipt of a violation notice shall be considered a separate offense. The owner or tenant of any building, structure, premises, or part thereof, and any architect, builder, contractor, agent, or other person who commits, participates in, assists in, or maintains such violation, may each be found guilty of a separate offense and suffer the penalties herein provided.
(Ord. 37-02, passed 7-10-02)
Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to abolish, impair, or prevent other additional remedies as provided by law. In the event of a violation of any provision or requirement of this chapter, or in the case of an imminent threat of such a violation, the Zoning Inspector, Prosecuting Attorney, or the owner of any neighboring property who would be especially damaged by such violation may, in addition to other recourse provided by law, institute mandamus, injunction, abatement, or other appropriate actions to prevent, remove, abate, enjoin, or terminate such violation.
(Ord. 37-02, passed 7-10-02)