A special event permit for any event in progress may be revoked and the event terminated by the Chief of Police or the Fire Chief, or their respective designees, if the safety of the public is imminently endangered by activities generated during the event, the participants or attendees engage in violent or destructive behavior causing injury to persons or damage to property, or if there is a major violation of the conditions of the permit such that the standards of issuance have not been satisfied.
No person shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, and specifically shall not commit any of the following unlawful acts:
1. No person shall hold, sponsor, or be in charge of any activity for which a special event permit is required without possessing a valid special event permit.
2. No person shall violate any condition placed upon a special event permit.
3. No person shall provide false or inaccurate information on a written application for a special event permit.
Unless another penalty is expressly provided by this chapter for any particular provision or section, violations of this chapter are simple misdemeanors subject to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) and may also be punishable as municipal infractions subject to a civil penalty as set forth in this Code. Police officers, code enforcement officers or the Police Chief's designees shall have the authority to issue citations for violations of this chapter and shall have the discretion to enforce this chapter as either a simple misdemeanor or municipal infraction.
(Ch. 11 - Ord. 2007 - Jun. 20 Supp.)