These regulations prescribe the conditions through which special events of limited duration may be permitted to occur within the City that involve a request from an individual or organization creating an anticipated significant impact to City property or right-of-way, such as increased vehicle or pedestrian traffic or the closure of a public street, and it is advisable or necessary to include City staff in the preparation, planning, coordination, and approval of the requested special event to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the general public and of the event participants or attendees.
A special event permit shall be required for all events that relate to the stated purpose and intent of this ordinance including the following:
1. Private events with 500 or more persons at any one time, events being held on public property, block parties, running and/or bicycling events, events requiring police/fire escort services, parades and that also have one or more of the following:
A. Partial or full closure of a public street;
B. Blocking or restricting access to private property of others or blocking or restricting access to a public property;
C. Use of pyrotechnics or special effects;
D. Use of open flame or other potentially dangerous displays;
E. Sale or distribution of merchandise, food or beverages including alcoholic beverages;
F. Erection of a tent or canopy requiring a permit;
G. Installation of a stage, band shell, truck, trailer, van, portable building, booth, grandstand or bleachers;
H. Placement of portable toilets;
I. Placement of temporary signs or banners;
J. Amplified sound.
Special Event Permit may be waived by the City Council under circumstances deemed to be in the best interest of the City.
2. A special event permit must be timely applied for and issued by the City prior to the commencement of the event. It shall be unlawful for any person or organization to engage, sponsor, or participate in any event described herein without having first applied for and obtained a permit in accordance with this ordinance. Receiving approval of a special event permit from the City shall not preclude, supersede, circumvent, or waive the applicant's responsibility to obtain any additional permits, licenses, and approvals for other applicable local, state, and federal regulations. The City reserves the right to impose special guidelines and restrictions for any special event based upon the nature of the proposed event, the proposed location of the event, and the anticipated attendance of the event. The City also reserves the right to temporarily suspend other City Code requirements for any special event based upon the particular event details. City staff shall be responsible for the issuance of special event permits that only involve local public streets or do not involve lane closure(s) of arterial or collector streets within the City. The City Council shall decide whether to issue special event permits that do involve lane closure(s) of arterial streets within the City, following receipt of a recommendation from City staff.
The following events are exempt from obtaining a Special Event Permit:
1. Private property that has designated facilities for hosting events (hotel, ballrooms, venue halls);
2. Annual community designated celebrations as designated by resolution of the City Council;
3. Sports facilities located on City property;
4. Police or fire escorts for dignitaries, military, fallen police or fire members.
For any special event defined or described within this ordinance, the following information, at a minimum, shall be submitted with the application to the City:
1. A written application for a special event permit shall be submitted to the City on a form provided by the City. The application must set forth the following information regarding the proposed special event:
A. The name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the applicant(s) and sponsor(s) of the event and contact person(s).
B. If the proposed special event would be conducted for, on behalf of, or by an organization, the name, address, and telephone number of the headquarters of the organization and of the authorizing responsible heads of such organization.
C. The date(s) and duration of time for the proposed special event.
D. An accurate description of that portion of the property or right-of-way proposed to be used, including a detailed map. The detailed map should depict the requested location of any activities, structures, tents, barricades, parking, traffic control devices and personnel, signage, trash collection, and portable restroom facilities necessary for the proposed event.
E. The estimated number of participants or attendees in total and during peak hours.
F. The proposed type of special event, described in detail, including a description of the planned activities and the proposed location.
G. Whether the applicant has obtained or will obtain required permits for any of the following: The sale of alcoholic beverages, tents, amplified sound, fireworks, temporary signs, and any applicable building permits.
H. Addendum forms when applicable.
2. After the initial filing of the application, City staff may request additional information from the applicant to determine whether a special event permit should be issued.
3. Applications that impact or include a commercially zoned district must be submitted not less than ninety (90) calendar days prior to the proposed start date of the special event, unless the City decides to waive the deadline. The City reserves the right to reject any applications that have not been timely submitted to the City.
4. All other applications must be submitted not less than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the proposed start date of the special event, unless the City decides to waive the deadline. The City reserves the right to reject any applications that have not been timely submitted to the City.
5. Before the City can approve the special event permit, the applicant is required to provide proof that notice of the proposed event was sent to all affected neighboring property owners and known tenants including listing agents. The City may also require the applicant to petition or canvass affected neighboring property owners and known tenants to ascertain whether there is sufficient support for the proposed event.