Section 605.2, receptacles, of the IPMC, is hereby amended by deleting said section and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
Section 605.2 Receptacles Every habitable space in a dwelling shall contain at least two separate and remote receptacle outlets. Every laundry area shall contain at least one grounding-type receptacle or a receptacle with a ground fault circuit interrupter. Every bathroom shall contain at least one receptacle and shall have ground fault circuit interrupter protection. All 125-volt, single phase, 15- and 20- ampere receptacles, in rental dwelling units, within six feet of the edge of a sink, bathtub or shower stall shall be provided with ground fault circuit interrupter protection. All receptacle outlets shall have the appropriate faceplate cover for the location.
Section 702.4, Emergency Escape Openings, of the IPMC, is hereby amended by adding the following section:
Section 702.4.1 Emergency escape openings Replacement windows shall be the manufacturer's largest standard size window that will fit within the existing frame or existing rough opening. The replacement window shall be permitted to be of the same operating style as the existing window or a style that provides for an equal or greater window opening area than the existing window. Emergency escape windows, other than replacement(s), shall meet the requirements for Emergency Escape and Rescue Openings of the Ankeny Building and Residential Codes.
Section 706, Portable Fire Extinguishers In Rental Units, is hereby established by adding the following section:
Section 706 Portable Fire Extinguishers In Rental Units Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided in rental units and/or rental buildings as follows:
706.1 Non-sprinklered Single Family Dwellings, One and Two Family Dwellings and Townhomes Dwellings. Each dwelling unit shall be provided with a charged and operable portable fire extinguisher, minimum 5 Lb. 2-A:10-B:C, located in an accessible location.
706.2 Sprinklered Single Family Dwellings, One and Two Family Dwellings and Townhomes Dwellings. Each dwelling unit shall be provided with a charged and operable portable fire extinguisher, minimum 5 Lb. 1-A:10-B:C, located in an accessible location.
706.3 Non-sprinklered Multi Family Dwellings and Buildings. Each dwelling unit shall be provided with a charged and operable portable fire extinguisher, minimum 5 Lb. 2-A:10-B:C, located in an accessible location -or- the common area(s)/each floor shall be provided with charged and operable minimum 5 Lb. 2-A:10-B:C portable fire extinguisher(s) located in conspicuous and readily accessible locations and within 75' travel distance of each dwelling unit in accordance with the Ankeny Fire Code.
706.4 Sprinklered Multi Family Dwellings and Buildings. Each sprinklered dwelling unit shall be provided with a charged and operable portable fire extinguisher, minimum 5 Lb. 1-A:10-B:C, located in an accessible location -or- the common area(s)/each floor shall be provided with a charged and operable minimum 5 Lb. 2-A:10-B:C portable fire extinguisher(s) located in conspicuous and readily accessible locations and within 75' travel distance of each dwelling unit in accordance with the Ankeny Fire Code.
Portable fire extinguishers located within individual dwelling units may be of the non-rechargeable type and must be replaced after ten years.
Portable fire extinguishers located in common areas shall be of the rechargeable type and are subject to required maintenance at intervals of not more than one year by a trained and certified individual.
(Chapter 177 - Ord. 2085 – Dec. 21 Supp.)