(a) Sign Permits Required
No exterior sign shall be erected, placed, displayed, or altered, including change of face, without the issuance of a sign permit by the Planning Division, unless exempted by subsection 17.70.040(c) (Exempt Signs). Building and/or electrical permits may also be required from the Building Division.
(b) Applications and Fees
(1) Applications for sign permits shall be submitted to the Planning Division and be accompanied by the information, materials and submittal requirements as specified on the application.
(2) Fees shall be paid as established by the City fee schedule.
(3) Fees shall be doubled for signs erected or placed prior to issuance of a sign permit or any required building and electrical permits.
(c) Exempt Signs
The following signs shall be exempt from the requirements of this Development code and applicable specific plans:
(1) Holiday display and decorations not to exceed 60 days.
(2) Signs located inside a structure, courtyard, mall, or other similar structure, provided these signs are not conspicuously visible and readable from a public street.
(3) Utility company signs identifying conduits, cables, dangerous conditions, or providing other notices of this type.
(4) Memorial tablets or signs and historic markers.
(5) Signs, flags, banners, emblems, or notices issued or endorsed by a constituted government body, public agency, court, person, or officer in performance of a public duty, including traffic or highway signs, railroad crossing signs or similar regulatory or warning devices and legal notices.
[Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit P, 9/10/14.]
(a) Prohibited Signs
Any sign not specifically allowed by this ordinance is prohibited. The following devices used to attract pedestrian or vehicular attention are prohibited in the City of Adelanto.
(1) A-Frames, Portable Signs.
(2) Beacon Lights. Except as specifically allowed by this ordinance for a Special Promotion period or as part of a Grand Opening period not to exceed a 30 day period.
(3) Bus Bench Signs and Signs on Transit Stop Enclosures unless initiated by the City in order to enhance the bus shelter.
(4) Flashing or Animated Signs.
(5) Graffiti.
(6) Inflatable Devices.
(7) Mobile Signs. Excludes signs painted on vehicles unless the Director determines such a vehicle is being utilized for advertising purposes beyond that approved for signage on a site. In such case the Director may require a business to remove or relocate such vehicle.
(8) Off-Premise Signs and Billboards, other than those located in a B-O Zone.
(9) Projecting Signs. Any sign that projects out from a building, or any projections from a freestanding sign that extend over a driveway, sidewalk, or public street. Minor projections may be allowed with approval of a Sign Program that incorporates a design scheme with projections.
(10) Roof Signs.
(11) Sexually Oriented Signs. Any display, decoration, sign or show window that provides the observation of any material depicting, describing or relating to “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas”.
(12) Statuary. Statuary bearing the likeness or suggestion of any product or logo unless as approved as a monument sign.
(13) Temporary Signs. Except as specifically allowed by this ordinance (see Section 17.70.110
Temporary Signs).
(b) Hand-bills and Signs in Public Places
(1) Except as otherwise stipulated, no person shall paint, mark or write on, or post or otherwise affix, any hand-bill or sign to or upon any sidewalk, crosswalk, curb, curbstone, park strip, street lamp post, hydrant, tree, shrub, tree stake or guard, railroad trestle, public utility pole (i.e., electric, light or power or telephone or telegraph or trolley wire pole) or wire appurtenance thereof or upon any lighting system, public bridge, drinking fountain, life saving equipment, street sign or traffic sign.
(2) Any hand-bill or sign found posted upon any public property contrary to the provisions of this section may be removed by any designated City of Adelanto employee. The person responsible for any such illegal posting shall be liable for the cost incurred in the removal thereof and the City is authorized to effect the collection of said cost.
(3) Nothing in this section shall apply to the installation of a metal plaque or plate or individual letters or figures in a sidewalk commemorating a historical, cultural, or artistic event, location, or personality for which the Department of Public Works has granted a written permit.
(4) Nothing in this section shall apply to the painting of house numbers upon curbs.
[Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit P, 9/10/14; Ord. No. 611, 4/22/20.]
The following regulations shall control the location and design of all off-site residential housing identification signs. Only signs installed consistent with these requirements shall be allowed. A residential subdivision shall be defined as a housing project within a recorded tract. This section may be referred to as the City’s kiosk sign program.
(a) General Provisions
(1) Off-site Residential Subdivision Signs shall be considered temporary and will be removed upon the completion of the sale of houses within the identified subdivision.
(2) The size of the permitted signs shall be as follows:
(A) Kiosk structures may utilize a combination of 12, 24 or 36-inch wide panels.
(B) Freestanding monument structures shall have a maximum 32 square foot sign area. Signs shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height.
(C) Temporary weekend signs, shall have a maximum sign area of six (6) square feet, two (2) feet high and three (3) feet wide, with a maximum height of four (4) feet.
(D) Nothing shall prevent the City of Adelanto from utilizing the structures to identify local public or civic facilities of importance to the City.
(b) Location Requirements
(1) The City shall prepare or have prepared by others a comprehensive plan identifying the location of all kiosk and freestanding signs, excluding weekend signs, throughout the City limits. The location and spacing of weekend signs shall be established by the City as a matter of policy. The comprehensive program shall be subject to change as projects complete their sales programs and new projects are approved.
(2) Off-site directional signs shall be allowed on private and public property.
(3) All signs proposed on private or public property must receive written authorization from the affected property owner prior to their installation.
(4) The placement of all signs shall avoid locations that may create a hazardous condition for pedestrians and vehicles.
(5) The location of all signs shall be subject to relocation due to street construction, improvement of the subject property or other actions that affect the location of individual signs.
(6) The comprehensive sign program and the location of all signs provided for as part of that plan shall be approved by the Planning Director or his designee prior to their installation.
(7) Proposed signs that are visible from U.S. Highway 395 or Palmdale Road (Highway 18) are subject to CalTrans review and approval prior to Planning Department approval and Building permit issuance.
(c) Time Limits
All signs subject to this section shall be limited to the following time periods:
(1) All signs shall be allowed for up to 24-months.
(2) Extensions can be granted for up to 24-months.
(3) No maximum time limit exists.
(d) Restrictions
(1) The off-site residential subdivision signs allowed within this section shall be limited to identifying housing projects within the city limits. Housing projects outside the city limits shall only be identified if that city has:
(A) A similar kiosk program to that provided by the City of Adelanto; and
(B) Allowance is made for housing projects within the City of Adelanto on its kiosk signs.
(2) No additions, tag signs, streamers, devices, display boards or other appurtenances shall be added to the signs as originally approved.
(3) Only the types of directional signs specified within this section shall be allowed. Posters, trailers or other devices used for advertising shall be prohibited.
[Ord. 422; Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit P, 9/10/14.]
No sign, outdoor advertising structure, or display of any kind shall be permitted in Residential Zones, except as specifically allowed by this ordinance.
(a) On-site Subdivision and Mobilehome Park identification Signs
(1) One (1) wall or monument identification or landscape wall sign per public street entrance to the project, not to exceed a maximum of two (2) such signs, not exceeding twenty-four (24) square feet maximum each.
(2) Maximum allowable height shall be six (6) feet and may not extend above a wall or fence.
(3) Each monument sign should be located within a landscaped area which is of a shape and design that will provide a compatible setting and ground definition to the sign.
(4) Such identification signs shall only be allowed if maintenance responsibility is assigned to a community association or a park owner for mobilehome parks.
(b) Multi-Family Residential Uses
(1) Apartments and multi-family residential developments having more than four (4) units may be permitted a cumulative sign area per project frontage containing no more than one (1) square foot per each ten (10) feet of linear frontage and shall not exceed a maximum of twenty-four (24) square feet per frontage. Such signs may be monument or wall signs.
(2) Sign Copy shall be limited to the name of the complex, address, and manager’s phone number.
(3) Monument signs shall have an overall maximum height of six (6) feet and shall be located within a landscaped area that will provide a compatible setting and ground definition to the sign.
(4) A wall sign shall be located below the roof eave, awning or canopy, and be fastened parallel to the surface of the main building and may be placed at a height not greater than two-thirds of the height of the building surface upon which it is located.
(5) All signs shall be compatible with the theme or architecture and scale of the development.
(c) Directory Signs
(1) For multi-family residential developments of twelve (12) or more units or mobilehome parks, one (1) site directory monument sign per vehicle entrance may be allowed where necessary to direct visitors and emergency vehicles to buildings. Such signs shall be in a accordance with the following:
(A) Maximum sign area shall not exceed twenty-four (24) square feet.
(B) Sign height shall not exceed six (6) feet.
(C) Signs shall locate buildings, driveways locations and addresses for each building.
(D) Fire hydrant or Knox box locations shall also be shown as required by Fire District regulations.
[Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit P, 9/10/14.]
It is expected that candidates for City Council will want to use campaign signs to promote their candidacy. The City asks that each candidate keep in mind the best interests of the community, through compliance with the following:
(a) Political and election signs, including their supporting structures, shall be permitted on private property and public rights-of-way in all zoning districts.
(b) Signs advertising a political candidate, political party, or ballot measure may be displayed only during a period beginning forty-five (45) days before the election or vote and ending fourteen (14) days after the election or vote.
(c) No person shall install or maintain or cause to be installed or maintained any sign which simulates or imitates in size, color, lettering, or design any traffic sign or signal, or which makes use of words, “STOP,” “LOOK,” or “danger,” or any words, phrases, symbols, or characters in such a manner as to interfere with, mislead, or confuse traffic.
[Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit P, 9/10/14.]
No sign, outdoor advertising structure, or display of any kind shall be permitted for nonresidential uses except as specifically allowed by this Chapter.
(a) Signs for Free-Standing Single Tenant Buildings and Sites
(1) Wall Signs
(A) The maximum sign area per building frontage shall be one (1) square foot per linear foot of building frontage. Any wall sign removed or obstructed due to construction of an adjacent building cannot be relocated unless a new sign permit is obtained and it complies with all the requirements of this Chapter.
(B) Awnings or canopy signs may be allowed, with their sign area allocated against the total cumulative sign area for wall signs.
(C) Window signs may also be allowed to identify the business or use. The maximum sign area shall not exceed 25% of the window area.
(D) Nameplate sign may not exceed one (1) square foot in size.
(2) Free-Standing Monument Signs
(A) Free-Standing pole signs are not permitted; only monument or Pylon style signs are permitted. Pylon signs shall have two supporting towers on either side of the sign with a minimum dimension of twelve inches by twelve inches (12" x 12").
(B) No more than one free-standing monument sign is permitted for each street frontage.
(C) The maximum sign area allowed for free-standing monument signs shall be one (1) square foot per ten (10) linear feet of street frontage on which the sign is located.
(D) No single sign shall exceed thirty-six (36) square feet in area.
(E) The address or address range of the property shall be incorporated on the sign visible from public right-of-way and no larger than one (1) square foot in area.
(F) Maximum height of a free-standing monument sign shall not exceed eight (8) feet.
(G) Monument signs located near street intersections and driveways shall be setback out of the Clear Area per Section 17.10.080
(H) “Reader boards” or similar devices for showing changing text and/or graphic messages may be used and shall count towards the permitted sign area. Reader board content shall be limited to the date, time, temperature, and messages directly related to business or site use. Advertisement of off-site uses is prohibited.
(3) Projecting or Shingle Signs
Small projecting, shingle or suspended signs may be permitted subject to the following:
(A) A maximum of one (1) such sign per building entrance is permitted provided that it is perpendicular to the main face of the building suspended from a canopy or projects not more than three (3) feet from the building face.
(B) Projecting or shingle signs shall not exceed two (2) square feet in area and shall have a minimum ground clearance of eight (8) feet.
(C) All such signs shall be non-energized or non-electrical.
(b) Signs for Tenants within Shopping Centers and Multiple Tenant Buildings
(1) Sign Programs
A sign program shall be required for all business or shopping centers or any group of business uses with shared signs facilities to insure that all signs are integrated and compatible. Sign programs shall comply with all of the provisions of Section 17.70.100 Sign Programs. All signs in such development shall comply with the provisions of the approved sign program in addition to the provisions of this Chapter.
(2) Wall Signs
(A) The maximum sign area per building or unit frontage shall be one (1) square foot per linear foot of building or unit frontage. Subject to the approval of a sign program, the property owner may apportion the sign area to individual uses or overall building, or certain identification, provided that the total cumulative sign area is not exceeded.
(B) Any wall sign removed or obstructed due to construction of an adjacent building cannot be relocated unless a new sign permit is obtained and it complies with all the requirements of this Chapter.
(C) Awnings or canopy signs may be allowed, with their sign area allocated against the total cumulative sign area for wall signs.
(D) Window signs may also be allowed to identify the business or use. The maximum sign area shall not exceed 25% of the window area.
(E) Nameplate sign may not exceed one (1) square foot in size.
(3) Free-Standing Signs
(A) Free-Standing pole signs are not permitted; only monument or Pylon style signs are permitted. Pylon signs shall have two supporting towers on either side of the sign with a minimum dimension of twelve inches by twelve inches (12" x 12").
(B) The maximum sign area allowed for free-standing signs shall be two (2) square feet per ten (10) linear feet of street frontage on which the sign is located.
(C) No single-sign shall exceed two hundred (200) square feet.
(D) No more than two free standing signs are permitted for each street frontage. Spacing shall be subject to Table 70-1
(E) Monument signs located near street intersections and driveways shall be setback out of the Clear Area per Section 17.10.080
(F) “Reader boards” or similar devices for showing changing text and/or graphic messages may be used and shall count towards the permitted sign area. Reader board content shall be limited to the date, time, temperature, and messages directly related to business or site use. Advertisement of off-site uses is prohibited.
(G) Maximum height and separation of free-standing signs shall comply with the following:
(1) Center identification signs shall meet the maximum sign heights and minimum sign spacing specified below:
Road Designation
| Gross Lot Area
| Maximum Sign Height
| Minimum Spacing
Highways or Major Streets/Boulevards | 20 ac or more | 25 feet | 300 feet |
Highways or Major Streets/Boulevards | 5 to 19.99 ac | 15 feet | 200 feet |
Highways or Major Streets/Boulevards | Less than 5 ac | 8 feet | 150 feet |
Collector | Any lot area | 8 feet | * |
* Minimum sign spacing shall comply per net lot area as Major Streets/Boulevards
(2) Other free-standing signs which may be permitted for a center shall not exceed a maximum height of eight (8) feet.
(H) Subject to approval of a sign program, the property owner may apportion the sign area to individual uses or overall center or building identification, provided that the total cumulative sign area per each type of sign is not exceeded. This allows a center to apportion sign area for free-standing signs, for example, between a center identification sign and monument signs for individual free-standing tenants in accordance with the maximum number of permitted signs per lot and/or development.
(I) The address or address range of the property shall be incorporated on the sign visible from public right-of-way and no larger than four (4) square feet in area.
(J) All free-standing signs in excess of eight (8) feet in height shall reflect high quality, enhance community design and be harmonious with the desert character through the following:
(1) Is compatible with the structures and uses located on the site by incorporating elements of the architecture and/or natural features of the site, without dominating the site;
(2) Makes use of high quality and/or natural or indigenous building materials, including, but not limited to, rock, adobe, timber, carved wood and incised lettering in stone;
(3) Identifies the site or use without extensive sign copy (text) by use of graphic imagery and/or logo; and
(4) Utilizes reverse channel lettering or opaque sign field (background) with illuminated routed copy.
(K) Fast Food Menu Boards
(1) Fast food restaurants with drive-through or walk-up facilities may be allowed two (2) menu or reader boards with a total maximum area of thirty-six (36) square feet, with a maximum height of six (6) feet.
(2) Any pictures, photographs, representations, or logos within or on the perimeter of the board shall be included in the computation of the maximum area of such boards.
(3) The menu board shall be located at such a point that there are at least 3 cars queued between the service window and the menu board; and at least 3 cars queued from the menu board to the entrance of the drive-through.
(L) Automated Service Facilities
Signs for drive-up or walk-up service windows or machines whether free-standing or incorporated into a building, require special consideration for which uniform sign regulations cannot be established because of their unlimited variety and character. Therefore, the sign allowance for such facilities shall be determined on the basis of their function and use, when the sign permit application is being reviewed.
(1) In no event shall such signs exceed five (5) square feet in area.
(2) Automated service signs shall not be allowed as a method of increasing the basic sign allowance for the principal use or the function as off-site advertising of the principal use. Examples of such facilities are drive-up or walk up machines for banking and drive-up or walk-up windows for restaurants, grocery stores, and film processing.
(4) Projecting or Shingle Signs
Small projecting, shingle or suspended signs may be permitted subject to the following:
(A) A maximum of one (1) such sign per building entrance is permitted provided that it is perpendicular to the main face of the building suspended from a canopy or projects not more than three (3) feet from the building face.
(B) Projecting or shingle signs shall not exceed two (2) square feet in area and shall have a minimum ground clearance of eight (8) feet.
(C) All such signs shall be non-energized or non-electrical.
(c) Service Stations
Signs for service stations shall be the same as for other businesses, except the following:
(1) Free-standing signs shall not be within one hundred (100) feet of another free-standing sign on the same property.
(2) Signs on dispensers and dispenser islands shall be limited to identification and directions for use of pumps or payments, or other signs required by State regulations.
(3) Video display terminals on dispenser and dispenser islands shall not exceeding fifteen (15) inches, measured diagonally.
[Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit P, 9/10/14.]
No sign, outdoor advertising structure, or display of any kind shall be permitted in Industrial Zones, except as specifically allowed by this ordinance.
(a) Signs for Free-Standing Single Tenant Buildings and Sites
(1) Wall Signs
(A) The maximum sign area per building or unit frontage shall be one-half (1/2) square foot per linear foot of building or unit frontage.
(B) Any wall sign removed or obstructed due to construction of an adjacent building cannot be relocated unless a new sign permit is obtained and it complies with all the requirements of this Chapter.
(C) Awnings or canopy signs may be allowed, with their sign area allocated against the total cumulative sign area for wall signs.
(D) Window signs may also be allowed to identify the business or use. The maximum sign area shall not exceed 25% of the window area.
(E) Nameplate sign may not exceed one (1) square foot in size.
(2) Free-Standing Monument Signs
(A) Free-Standing pole signs are not permitted; only monument or pylon style signs are permitted. Pylon signs shall have two supporting towers on either side of the sign with a minimum dimension of twelve inches by twelve inches (12" x 12").
(B) No more than one free-standing monument or pylon sign is permitted for each street frontage.
(C) The maximum sign area allowed for free-standing monument signs shall be one (1) square foot per ten (10) linear feet of street frontage on which the sign is located.
(D) No single sign shall exceed sixty (60) square feet.
(E) Maximum height of a free-standing monument sign shall not exceed eight (8) feet.
(F) The address or address range of the property shall be incorporated on the sign visible from public right-of-way and no larger than one (1) square foot in area.
(G) Monument signs located near street intersections and driveways shall be setback out of the Clear Area per Section 17.10.080
(H) “Reader boards” or similar devices for showing changing text and/or graphic messages may be used and shall count towards the permitted sign area. Reader board content shall be limited to the date, time, temperature, and messages directly related to business or site use. Advertisement of off-site uses is prohibited.
(3) Projecting or Shingle Signs
Small projecting, shingle or suspended signs may be permitted subject to the following:
(A) A maximum of one (1) such sign per building entrance is permitted provided that it is perpendicular to the main face of the building suspended from a canopy or projects not more than three (3) feet from the building face.
(B) Projecting or shingle signs shall not exceed two (2) square feet in area and shall have a minimum ground clearance of eight (8) feet.
(C) All such signs shall be non-energized or non-electrical.
(b) Signs for Business Parks and Multi-tenant Industrial Developments
(1) Sign Programs
A sign program shall be required for all business parks and multi-tenant industrial developments or any group of business uses with shared signs facilities to insure that all signs are integrated and compatible. Sign programs shall comply with all of the provisions of Section 17.70.100 Sign Programs. All signs in such development shall comply with the provisions of the approved sign program in addition to the provisions of this Chapter.
(2) Wall Signs
(A) The maximum sign area per building or unit frontage shall be one (1) square foot per linear foot of building or unit frontage. Subject to the approval of a sign program, the property owner may apportion the sign area to individual uses or overall building, or certain identification, provided that the total cumulative sign area is not exceeded.
(B) Any wall sign removed or obstructed due to construction of an adjacent building cannot be relocated unless a new sign permit is obtained and it complies with all the requirements of this Chapter.
(C) Awnings or canopy signs may be allowed, with their sign area allocated against the total cumulative sign area for wall signs.
(D) Window signs may also be allowed to identify the business or use. The maximum sign area shall not exceed 25% of the window area.
(E) Nameplate sign may not exceed one (1) square foot in size.
(3) Free-Standing Monument Signs
(A) Free-Standing pole signs are not permitted; only monument or Pylon style signs are permitted. Pylon signs shall have two supporting towers on either side of the sign with a minimum dimension of twelve inches by twelve inches (12" x 12").
(B) The maximum sign area allowed for free-standing signs shall be two (2) square feet per ten (10) linear feet of street frontage on which the sign is located.
(C) No single sign shall exceed one hundred (100) square feet.
(D) No more than two free standing signs are permitted for each street frontage. Spacing shall be subject to Table 70-2
(E) Monument signs located near street intersections and driveways shall be setback out of the Clear Area per Section 17.10.080
(F) “Reader boards” or similar devices for showing changing text and/or graphic messages may be used and shall count towards the permitted sign area. Reader board content shall be limited to the date, time, temperature, and messages directly related to business or site use. Advertisement of off-site uses is prohibited.
(G) Maximum height and separation of free-standing signs shall comply with the following:
(1) Center identification signs shall meet the maximum sign heights and minimum sign spacing specified below:
Road Designation
| Net Lot Area
| Maximum Sign Height
| Minimum Spacing
Highways or Major Streets/Boulevards | 20 ac or more | 15 feet | 200 feet |
Highways or Major Streets/Boulevards | Less than 20 ac | 8 feet | 150 feet |
Collector | Any lot area | 8 feet | * |
* Minimum sign spacing shall comply per net lot area as Major Streets/ Boulevards
(2) Other free-standing signs which may be permitted for a center shall not exceed a maximum height of eight (8) feet.
(H) The address or address range of the property shall be incorporated on the sign visible from public right-of-way and no larger than four (4) square feet in area.
(I) All free-standing signs in excess of eight (8) feet in height shall reflect high quality, enhance community design and be harmonious with the desert character through the following:
(1) Is compatible with the structures and uses located on the site by incorporating elements of the architecture and/or natural features of the site, without dominating the site.
(J) Fast Food Menu Boards
Fast food restaurants with drive-through or walk-up facilities within Industrial zoning districts shall comply with the standards set forth in Section 17.70.070.b.3.K (Fast Food Menu Boards).
(K) Automated Service Facilities
Signs for drive-up or walk-up service windows or machines whether free-standing or incorporated into a building within Industrial zoning districts shall comply with the standards set forth in Section 17.70.070.b.3.L (Automated Service Facilities).
(3) Projecting or Shingle Signs
Small projecting, shingle or suspended signs may be permitted subject to the following:
(A) A maximum of one (1) such sign per building entrance is permitted provided that it is perpendicular to the main face of the building suspended from a canopy or projects not more than three (3) feet from the building face.
(B) Projecting or shingle signs shall not exceed two (2) square feet in area and shall have a minimum ground clearance of eight (8) feet.
(C) All such signs shall be non-energized or non-electrical.
(c) Service Stations
Signs for service stations shall be as provided in subsection 17.70.070(c) (Service Stations).
[Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit P, 9/10/14.]