17.70.055 Off-Site Residential Subdivision Signs
   The following regulations shall control the location and design of all off-site residential housing identification signs. Only signs installed consistent with these requirements shall be allowed. A residential subdivision shall be defined as a housing project within a recorded tract. This section may be referred to as the City’s kiosk sign program.
   (a)   General Provisions
      (1)   Off-site Residential Subdivision Signs shall be considered temporary and will be removed upon the completion of the sale of houses within the identified subdivision.
      (2)   The size of the permitted signs shall be as follows:
         (A)   Kiosk structures may utilize a combination of 12, 24 or 36-inch wide panels.
         (B)   Freestanding monument structures shall have a maximum 32 square foot sign area. Signs shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height.
         (C)   Temporary weekend signs, shall have a maximum sign area of six (6) square feet, two (2) feet high and three (3) feet wide, with a maximum height of four (4) feet.
         (D)   Nothing shall prevent the City of Adelanto from utilizing the structures to identify local public or civic facilities of importance to the City.
   (b)   Location Requirements
      (1)   The City shall prepare or have prepared by others a comprehensive plan identifying the location of all kiosk and freestanding signs, excluding weekend signs, throughout the City limits. The location and spacing of weekend signs shall be established by the City as a matter of policy. The comprehensive program shall be subject to change as projects complete their sales programs and new projects are approved.
      (2)   Off-site directional signs shall be allowed on private and public property.
      (3)   All signs proposed on private or public property must receive written authorization from the affected property owner prior to their installation.
      (4)   The placement of all signs shall avoid locations that may create a hazardous condition for pedestrians and vehicles.
      (5)   The location of all signs shall be subject to relocation due to street construction, improvement of the subject property or other actions that affect the location of individual signs.
      (6)   The comprehensive sign program and the location of all signs provided for as part of that plan shall be approved by the Planning Director or his designee prior to their installation.
      (7)   Proposed signs that are visible from U.S. Highway 395 or Palmdale Road (Highway 18) are subject to CalTrans review and approval prior to Planning Department approval and Building permit issuance.
   (c)   Time Limits
      All signs subject to this section shall be limited to the following time periods:
      (1)   All signs shall be allowed for up to 24-months.
      (2)   Extensions can be granted for up to 24-months.
      (3)   No maximum time limit exists.
   (d)   Restrictions
      (1)   The off-site residential subdivision signs allowed within this section shall be limited to identifying housing projects within the city limits. Housing projects outside the city limits shall only be identified if that city has:
         (A)   A similar kiosk program to that provided by the City of Adelanto; and
         (B)   Allowance is made for housing projects within the City of Adelanto on its kiosk signs.
      (2)   No additions, tag signs, streamers, devices, display boards or other appurtenances shall be added to the signs as originally approved.
      (3)   Only the types of directional signs specified within this section shall be allowed. Posters, trailers or other devices used for advertising shall be prohibited.
[Ord. 422; Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit P, 9/10/14.]