17.200.010 General
17.200.020 "A" Definitions
17.200.030 "B" Definitions
17.200.040 "C" Definitions
17.200.050 "D" Definitions
17.200.060 "E" Definitions
17.200.070 "F" Definitions
17.200.080 "G" Definitions
17.200.090 "H" Definitions
17.200.100 "I" Definitions
17.200.110 "J" Definitions
17.200.120 "K" Definitions
17.200.130 "L" Definitions
17.200.140 "M" Definitions
17.200.150 "N" Definitions
17.200.160 "O" Definitions
17.200.170 "P" Definitions
17.200.180 "Q" Definitions
17.200.190 "R" Definitions
17.200.200 "S" Definitions
17.200.210 "T" Definitions
17.200.220 "U" Definitions
17.200.230 "V" Definitions
17.200.240 "W" Definitions
17.200.250 "X" Definitions
17.200.260 "Y" Definitions
17.200.270 "Z" Definitions
For general terminology used throughout the Zoning Code, refer to Section 17.01.090 of this Zoning Code. For terminology used in the Zoning Code but not defined in this Chapter or in Section 17.01.090, the definitions used in the Uniform Building Code or accepted dictionaries of the English language shall govern.
[Ord. No. 528, Exhibit R, 9/10/14; Ord. No. 535, Exhibit D, 5/27/15.]
Abandoned - The cessation of the use of a property by the owner with the intention neither of transferring rights to the property to another owner nor of resuming the use of the property.
Abutting Land - A parcel of land having a common boundary with another parcel of land, including parcels which have no common boundary other than a common comer.
Accessory Building or Structure - A building or structure detached from, on the same lot as, and customarily incidental and subordinate to the principal building.
Accessory Use - A use of a portion of land or building that is customarily and clearly incidental and subordinate to the principal use of the land or building and is located on the same lot with such principal use. Accessory uses typically are very small in proportion to the principal use.
Acreage, Gross - The total land area within a defined boundary (i.e., before the exclusion of areas including, but not limited to, slopes, public rights-of-way, public parks, public school sites, and sites for other public facilities).
Acreage, Net - That portion of gross acreage exclusive of public streets and all public lands and rights-of-way. The area within the lot lines of a lot exclusive of any dedications for slopes, public rights-of-way, public parks, public school sites, and sites for other public facilities.
Activity Street - A type of street designed to accommodate cyclists and encourage pedestrian activity.
Addition - Any construction that is attached to an existing building or facility and which increases the size or capacity of a building or facility in terms of site coverage, height, length, width, or gross floor area.
Adjoining - Refers to a lot or parcel of land which shares all or part of a common lot line with another lot or parcel of land.
Adult Business - Refer to the definitions contained in Chapter 17.85 of this Zoning Code.
Adult Day Care Facility - See "Day Care Center, Adult."
Agent - Any person showing written verification that he/she is acting for, and with the knowledge and consent of, a property owner.
Agriculture - The use of land for the production of food and fiber, including the growing of crops and/or the glazing of animals on natural prime or improved pasture land.
Alcoholic Beverage Offsite Sales - The sale of packaged alcoholic beverages for consumption at an offsite location.
Alcoholic Beverage Onsite Sales - The sale of alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine, and mixed drinks, for consumption at the point of sale. "Sales to persons over the legal drinking age exclusively," refers to any facility which restricts entry to persons of legal drinking age, as established by State law.
Alley - A narrow service way, either public or private, that provides a permanently reserved but secondary means of public access. Alleys are not intended for general traffic circulation, but for services and delivery access. Alleys typically are located along rear property lines.
Alteration - Any change or rearrangement in the supporting members of an existing building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams, girders, or interior partitions, as well as any change in doors or windows, or any enlargement to or diminution of a building or structure, whether horizontally or vertically, or the moving of a building or structure from one location to another.
Amateur Radio Antenna - Any antenna used to receive and/or transmit radio signals on the amateur radio bandwidth, as designated by the Federal Communications Commission.
Amenity - A natural or man-made feature which enhances a particular property.
Amusement Park - A commercial center comprised of a variety of family-oriented entertainment uses, predominated by uses which occur outside. A local example is the "Castle Park" amusement center in the City of Riverside.
Animal - Unless otherwise stated for a specific situation, "animal" includes birds, fish, mammals, and reptiles.
Antenna - Any system of wires, poles, rods, reflecting discs, or similar devices used for the transmission, reception, or both, of electromagnetic radiation waves.
Antique Sales (Refinished) - Any premises used for the sale of articles that are one hundred (100) or more years old or are collectable. An antique shop does not include a secondhand store as defined in this Chapter.
Apartment - One or more rooms with private bath and kitchen facilities comprising an independent, self-contained dwelling unit in a building containing more than three (3) or more dwelling units for rent. See also "Dwelling Unit."
Apartment Building - A structure containing three (3) or more apartment units which is intended for rental purposes.
Applicant - A person who requests in writing the approval of a lease, permit, license, certificate, or other entitlement from public agencies.
Application - The form, information, and fees submitted by an applicant for purposes of requesting an entitlement from a public agency.
Arcade - A principal commercial entertainment land use consisting of five (5) or more amusement machines located within one (1) building or structure and operated in exchange for financial or other considerations. In addition to any other principal use of the land, any use or business with five (5) or more amusement machines shall be considered an arcade.
Automobile Detailing - Auto detailing means an establishment which performs hand-washing, waxing, and interior cleaning of passenger vehicles.
Automobile Service Station - See "Service Station."
Automobile Wrecking - The dismantling or wrecking of two or more used motor vehicles or trailers; or the storage, sale, or dumping of one or more dismantled, partially dismantled, obsolete, or wrecked vehicles or their parts.
Automobile/Trailer Sales Area - The use of any building, land area, or other premises for the display and sale of new or used automobiles, panel trucks, vans, trailers, or recreation vehicles, including any repair service conducted as an accessory service.
Automobile/Truck Dealers - A facility that sells automobiles and/or trucks of one ton or less capacity, both new and used, including the repairing of same. Trucks of more than one (1) ton or one-and-one-half (1.5) ton capacity are not be included in this term.
Automobile/Truck Repairing - A facility that provides to such vehicles of any capacity repair services, which may include tire shops, muffler shops, transmission shops, upholstery shops, and accessory shops.
[Ord. No. 528, Exhibit R, 9/10/14; Ord. No. 535, Exhibit D, 5/27/15.]
Backyard - See yard, rear. (Ord. 410, 2003)
Balcony - A structure with a walking surface at least 30 inches above adjacent grade which extends from a building without support from the ground. See also "Deck" and "Platform".
Basement - Basement shall be defined according to the definition contained in the Uniform Building Code.
Bay Window - A group of windows projecting from a room in a floor-level recess.
Bed and Breakfast - A house, or portion thereof, where rooms and meals are provided for short-term stays. The operator of the bed and breakfast shall live on the premises or adjacent premises.
Bedroom - Any habitable room used for sleeping purposes other than a living room, family room, or den.
Billiard/Pool Hall - Any place of business where any of several games are played on a table by driving small balls against one another or into pockets with a cue and where alcoholic beverages are offered for sale. Such place of business may include, as an accessory use, any mechanical amusement device not otherwise prohibited by a City ordinance. See also "Billiard Parlor, Family."
Billiard Parlor, Family - Any place of business where any of several games are played on a table by driving small balls against one another or into pockets with a cue and where no alcoholic beverages are offered for sale. Such place of business may include, as an accessory use, any mechanical amusement device not otherwise prohibited by a City ordinance.
Body or Hearing Body - The individual or group duly authorized by this Zoning Code to grant changes to, relief from, or special consideration under the Zoning Code.
Boulevard - A type of street designed for multiple users with a landscaped center median separating directional traffic.
Brewery - A facility where beer is brewed for off-site distribution and delivery. A brewery does not contain a restaurant or tavern.
Building - Building shall be defined according to the definition contained in the Uniform Building Code.
Building Coverage - The percentage of the net lot area which is covered by all the buildings on a lot, as seen from a plan view.
Building Height - Building Height shall be defined and measured according to the definition contained in the Uniform Building Code.
Building Pad - The area of a lot designed for the construction of buildings and structures.
Building Official - The officer or other designated authority charged with the administration and enforcement of the Uniform Building Code, or the building official's duly authorized representative. (Ord. 410, 2003)
[Ord. No. 528, Exhibit R, 9/10/14; Ord. No. 535, Exhibit D, 5/27/15.]