The purpose of the Chapter is to assure compliance with conditions of approval on projects involving earthwork grading by providing continuous on-site inspections as required by the Director of Public Works of grading projects or developments for which adopted conditions of approval require any specific or general features to be incorporated into the earthwork, or restrict or limit the earthwork in any way which is more restrictive than the grading provisions as prescribed in the Uniform Building Code.
The provisions of this Chapter apply to projects which have been conditionally approved and which involve grading in excess of five thousand (5,000) cubic yards and when grading will occur on or adjacent to 1) Natural pregraded slopes of fifteen percent (15%) or greater, or 2) property required for natural open space retention. The provisions and conditions of this chapter are in addition to the provisions of the Uniform Building Code and the recommendations of any site-specific geotechnical investigation report on file with the Planning Department.
The quality control engineer shall be on-site as determined necessary by the Director of Public Works. This may include a series of inspections or a continuous inspection.
The quality control engineer shall not be employed by, have any relationship (financial or otherwise) to, or financial interest in the developer, or any contracting, engineering or geotechnical companies performing work on or providing services to the project being inspected.
The quality control engineer shall be responsible for inspection of the work in progress to assure compliance with the conditions of approval which may include, but are not limited to slope ratio, slope height, slope location, areas of land disturbance and/or set provisions regarding archeology, paleontology, landscaping, erosion control, protection of native plants and animals, or any other conditions of approval which will control or impact grading. The quality control engineer shall report to and file reports after each inspection or (if continuous inspections are necessary) weekly with the Director of Public Works as required by the Director of Public Works.