17.46.010   Intent and Purpose
   17.46.015   Applicability
   17.46.020   Regulations
17.46.010   Intent and Purpose
The Affordable Housing Overlay District designated herein by the symbol “AHO”, is intended to promote the development of affordable housing. The purpose of the Affordable Housing Overlay District is to promote housing development in those areas located within the Affordable Housing Overlay District as shown on the City of Adelanto General Plan Land Use/Zoning Map.
[Ord. No. 652, Exhibit 1, 7/24/24.]
17.46.015   Applicability
The Affordable Housing Overlay District applies to those areas identified on the City of Adelanto General Plan Land Use/Zoning Map by the letters “AHO.”
Specific provisions of the Affordable Housing Overlay District supersede those of the underlying land use/zoning district and apply to those properties that are within the designated Overlay District. The provisions in this Chapter apply to all new development within the Affordable Housing Overlay District and any addition, remodeling, relocation, or construction requiring a building or grading permit. Provisions of the underlying land use/zoning district not superseded by provisions in this Chapter remain in force.
[Ord. No. 652, Exhibit 1, 7/24/24.]