The intent of this Chapter is to create zoning districts which will identify and preserve public facilities. Toward this end, two zone districts are established as follows:
(a) Public Facility (PF)
The Public Facility (PF) district applies to all public facilities in Adelanto, including City, County, and other government properties south of Holly Road.
(b) Public Utility (PU)
The Public Utility (PU) district encompasses a variety of public facilities in Adelanto, including City, County, and other government properties north of Holly Road.
[Ord. No. 528, Exhibit K, 9/10/14.]
(a) Appendix A: Regulation of Uses by Zone District of this Zoning Code indicates the uses permitted in the PU and PF zone districts. Only public facilities and utilities are permitted as primary uses, although other uses are allowed as accessory, conditionally permitted, and temporary uses, as indicated in Appendix A.
(b) Uses listed as conditionally permitted uses are subject to the review requirements and conditions contained in Chapter 17.130 of this Zoning Code. Temporary uses and conditions are subject to the review requirements and conditions contained in Chapter 17.155.
[Ord. No. 528, Exhibit K, 9/10/14.]