Landscaping shall be provided, irrigated and maintained as required by the Planning Director, pursuant to this Code and the policies of the City General Plan, each of which may be amended from time to time.
(a) Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to provide minimum water conservation and landscape development standards which will promote the general welfare of Adelanto residents through the provision of an outdoor environment which will:
(1) Create aesthetically pleasing views and vistas along public streets.
(2) Complement and enhance the functional and aesthetic design of new building and site development projects so as to protect and enhance property values.
(3) Provide visual screening of parking, service and storage areas.
(4) Mitigate the adverse impacts of higher intensity land uses upon lower intensity uses through the provision of needed landscape buffers.
(5) Promote water conservation by restricting the use of turf and ornamental water features and requiring the utilization of low water use plant materials.
(6) Promote climate modifications for enhancement of pedestrian environment at street frontages, parking lots and building facades.
(7) Provide maximum shade on ground surfaces to reduce the “urban heat island effect” produced by large expanses of unprotected paved areas.
(b) Applicability.
All persons owning, developing or maintaining property subject to the provisions of this Chapter shall comply with all applicable provisions contained herein as identified below.
The landscape standards and requirements established by Chapter 17.15 and Chapter 17.60, Sections 17.60.020 through 17.60.080 shall apply to all new developments whether residential, commercial or industrial. The landscape standards and requirements establish by Sections 17.60.020 through 17.60.080 shall not apply to existing development, unless the development is being expanded by 25% or more of the existing floor area. The landscape maintenance provisions of Section 17.60.060 shall apply to all new and existing development.
This Chapter does not apply to registered historical sites or cemeteries. Registered historical sites and cemeteries shall provide scheduled irrigation based on CIMIS (California Irrigation Management Information System) or conduct water audits every three (3) years with strict adherence to the recommendations in the water audit. CIMIS and water audits shall be submitted to the water serving entity for compliance.
[Ord. No. 515, Exhibit I, 5/22/13; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit M, 9/10/14.]
(a) Prior to the issuance of a building permit, three (3) copies of a landscape design plan consisting of the landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted to the Planning Division. Such plans shall be drawn at a minimum scale of one (1) inch equals thirty (30) feet (maximum sheet size 30" X 42") and contain the following information:
(1) Building footprints and roof overhangs, walkways, parking surfaces and vehicular overhang lines, property lines, right-of-way lines, and easement lines.
(2) Calculations of the square footage and percent of total of all site elements including building footprints, parking, and landscaped area. Landscaped area shall also be further subdivided into subcategories of turf, shrubs/groundcover, and inorganic materials.
(3) The location of existing and proposed plant materials.
(4) Plant graphic symbol legend and a plant schedule including botanical and common names, planting size, number of plants, and on-center spacing of massed shrubs and ground cover plants on each landscape plan sheet.
(6) Inorganic materials schedule including type of materials (i.e. decomposed granite, river rock, screened rock, etc.) quantities and depth.
(7) Irrigation plan showing location of controller, existing or proposed meters, backflow preventer, water lines, heads, and materials schedule on each landscape plan sheet. Irrigation systems shall be designed to minimize maintenance and water consumption, and the irrigation system shall be properly designed and installed to ensure that overspray onto fences, walls and structures is eliminated to the maximum extent feasible.
(8) Irrigation details and pressure loss calculations.
(9) A diagrammatic plan showing the amount of shading that the landscaping is expected to provide at its maturity with the sun at its apex.
(b) The landscaping and irrigation plans shall be approved by the Director if found to be in compliance with the standards and requirements of this Chapter and Chapter 17.15
, which approval shall be obtained prior to the installation of the landscaping and irrigation materials. The installation of the landscaping and irrigation materials required by this Chapter shall be completed and shall be approved by the Director prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the structure, or prior to the use of the facility if no structure is involved.
[Ord. No. 515, Exhibit I, 5/22/13; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit M, 9/10/14.]