17.70.090 Highway/Freeway Identification Signs
   Commercial, Industrial, and other similar uses immediately adjacent to Highway 395 and Palmdale Road (Highway 18) with on-site freeway identification signs oriented to freeway traffic shall be permitted subject to the following criteria:
   (a)   Approval of a Sign Permit or Sign Program shall be obtained from the Planning Commission.
   (b)   Properties containing such signs shall be abutting a freeway or freeway ramp.
   (c)   Signs may advertise the name(s) and logo(s) of uses on the same parcel or in the same development as the sign. Advertisement of off-site uses, or the use of off-site signs for advertising, is prohibited.
   (d)   Wall signs may be permitted for properties facing the freeway subject to the same criteria allowed for frontages on a public right-of-way;
   (e)   Free-Standing Signs. Free-Standing signs may be permitted subject to the following criteria:
      (1)   Free-Standing pole signs are not permitted; only monument or Pylon style signs may be considered. Pylon signs shall have two supporting towers on either side of the sign with a minimum dimension of twelve inches by twelve inches (12" x 12").
      (2)   Developments of up to ten (10) gross acres may erect one (1) freeway-oriented sign. Developments of more than ten (>10) gross acres may erect a maximum of two (2) signs.
      (3)   Signs may be up to one hundred feet (100') in height, or as approved by the Planning Commission on a case-by-case basis.
      (4)   Maximum sign area for each sign face shall be four hundred (400) square feet, or as approved by the Planning Commission. Each sign shall have a maximum of two (2) faces.
      (5)   Highway/Freeway-oriented signs shall be spaced a minimum of five hundred (500) feet apart.
      (6)   Highway/Freeway-oriented signs shall be space a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) feet from a monument or pylon sign allowed in Sections 17.70.070 and 17.70.080 above.
      (7)   Highway/Freeway-oriented signs may not rotate or be animated in any way.
      (8)   “Reader boards” or similar devices for showing changing text and/or graphic messages may be used, subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the Planning Commission.
      (9)   The address or address range of the property shall be incorporated on the sign visible from public right-of-way and no larger than one (1) square foot in area.
[Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit P, 9/10/14.]