17.130.010 Purpose
17.130.020 Application Requirements
17.130.030 Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Proceedings
17.130.040 Finality of Commission Decision and Effective Date
17.130.050 Basis for Approval or Denial of Conditional Use Permit
17.130.060 Inactive Applications and Expiration of Permits
17.130.070 Conditional Use Permit Approval Attached to the Property
17.130.080 Reservation of Right to Review Conditional Use Permit - Changed Circumstances
17.130.090 Revocation
(a) The City recognizes that certain uses, due to the nature of use, intensity, or size, require special review to determine if the use proposed, or the location of that use, is compatible with surrounding uses, or, through the imposition of development and use conditions, can be made compatible with surrounding uses. The Conditional Use Permit is provided for this purpose.
(b) The City has established two types of Conditional Use Permit (CUP) applications- CUP and Minor CUPs (identified as CUPm in Appendix A).
Applications for Conditional Use Permits may be submitted only for those uses specified as conditional uses (CUP and CUPm) in the applicable zoning district in Appendix A: Regulation of Uses by Zoning District. The proposed project shall comply with all applicable development standards, unless a separate Variance application is filed, and reviewed and approved. Conditional Use Permit and Variance applications may be processed concurrently. A Conditional Use Permit is not a substitute for a zone change or zone text amendment.