17.93.010   Purpose
   17.93.020   Scope
   17.93.030   General Provisions
   17.93.040   Project Design Considerations
   17.93.050   Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
   17.93.060   Runoff Control
   17.93.070   Land Clearing
   17.93.080   Winter Operations
   17.93.090   Continued Responsibility
   17.93.100   Exemptions
   17.93.110   Variances
   17.93.120   Inspection and Compliance
   17.93.130   Applicable Laws and Regulations
   17.93.140   Appeals
17.93.010 Purpose
The purpose of this chapter is to eliminate and prevent accelerated erosion that has led to, or could lead to, degradation of water quality, loss of fish habitat, damage to property, loss of topsoil and vegetation cover, disruption of water supply, increased danger from flooding and the deposition of sediments and associated nutrients.
17.93.020 Scope
This chapter requires control of all existing and potential conditions of human-induced accelerated erosion within all areas of the City. This chapter sets forth required provisions for project planning, preparation of erosion control plans, runoff control, land clearing and winter operations and establishes procedures for administering those provisions.