17.80.010 Intent and Purpose
17.80.020 Antennas and Cellular Telephone Towers
17.80.030 Churches, Temples, Religious Institutions, Non-profits and Other Similar Institutions
17.80.040 Restrictions on Sales of Tobacco Products
17.80.050 (Reserved)
17.80.060 Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS)
17.80.070 Solar Energy Conversion Systems (SECS)
17.80.071 Solar Energy Conversion Systems (SECS) Overlay Zone
17.80.080 Cannabis Cultivation
17.80.081 Cannabis Cultivation Water Requirements
17.80.090 Cannabis Manufacturing
17.80.100 Cannabis Distribution
17.80.101 Cannabis Transportation
17.80.110 Cannabis Testing
17.80.120 Cannabis Retail
Certain uses, although permitted in specific zoning districts, require additional development standards beyond those specified for the applicable zone. Additional standards are required to ensure that such uses are operated in a manner that does not adversely impact surrounding uses. The purpose of this Chapter is to provide additional development standards and conditions for certain uses to ensure their compatibility with surrounding uses.
[Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 515, Exhibit K, 5/22/13; Ord No. 528, Exhibit Q, 9/10/14.]
(a) Exempt Antennas
Common skeletal-type radio and television antenna in standard configurations used to receive UHF, VHF, AM, and FM signals of off-air broadcasts from radio and television stations are exempt from the requirements of this Section.
Solid dish-type antennas with a diameter of less than two feet (2') which are designed to receive broadcast signals directly from orbiting satellites are also exempt from the following requirements, with the exception that this type of antenna may not be placed in a front yard area or in any other location visible from the street at the front of the home or building which the antenna serves.
(b) Location of Antennas in Residential Districts
Antennas and satellite dishes (hereafter referred to as “antennas”) located in the residential zones of the City shall conform to the following standards:
(1) All antennas shall be required to maintain their supporting structures at least five feet (5') from any property line and ten feet (10') from any other structure.
(2) All ground-mounted antennas shall be screened by walls, fences, or landscaping at least six feet (6') in height obscuring visibility of the antenna from adjacent properties at the same elevation. Landscaping shall be of a type and variety and installed at sufficient size to be capable of growing within one year to a landscape screen which obscures the visibility of the antenna.
(3) All antennas and their supporting structures shall be located in the rear yard.
(4) No antenna shall be higher than thirty-five feet (35') above grade level, except dish-type satellite receiving antennas, which shall not exceed fifteen feet (15') in height. Antennas exceeding thirty-five feet (35') may be approved provided the antenna is retractable to below the thirty-five foot (35') height limit, and the applicant executes a use agreement providing that the antenna will only be extended during actual use of said antenna.
(5) A maximum of two (2) antennas, including exempt antennas, shall be allowed per lot.
(6) All roof-mounted antennas, with the exception of exempt antennas, are prohibited.
(c) Location of Antennas in Non-Residential Districts
Antennas located in non-residential zoning districts shall conform to the following standards:
(1) All ground-mounted antennas shall be required to maintain their supporting structures at least five feet (5') from any property line and ten feet (10') from any other structure.
(2) All ground-mounted antennas shall be screened by walls, fences, or landscaping at least six feet (6') in height obscuring visibility of the antenna from adjacent properties at the same elevation. Landscaping shall be of a type and variety capable of growing within one year to a landscape screen which obscures the visibility of the antenna.
(3) All antennas and their supporting structures shall be located in the rear yard or any side yard, except a street side yard.
(4) No antenna or its supporting structure shall be located in the area between the front property line and the main structure or building.
(5) No antenna shall be higher than the maximum height permitted in the zone, measured from grade level, except satellite antennas, which shall not exceed fifteen feet (15') in height.
(6) A maximum of two (2) antennas, including exempt antennas, shall be allowed per lot.
(7) No antenna shall be roof-mounted except on a flat portion of the roof structure with parapets, and/or architecturally matching screening plan.
(d) Location of Antennas in Public Utility, Open Space and Greenbelt Corridor Districts
(1) All ground-mounted antennas shall be required to maintain their supporting structures at least five feet (5') from any property line and ten feet (10') from any other structure.
(2) All ground-mounted antennas shall be screened by walls, fences or landscaping at least six feet (6') in height obscuring visibility of the antenna. Landscaping shall be of a type and variety capable of growing within one year to a landscape screen which obscures the visibility of the antenna.
(3) All antennas and their supporting structures shall be located in the rear yard or any side yard, except a street side yard.
(4) No antenna or its supporting structure shall be located in the area between the front property line and the main structure or building.
(5) No antenna shall be higher than the maximum height permitted in the zone measures from grade level, except satellite antennas which shall not exceed fifteen feet (15') in height.
(6) A maximum of two (2) antennas, including exempt antennas, shall be allowed per lot.
(7) No antenna shall be roof-mounted except on a flat portion of the roof structure with parapets, and/or architecturally matching screening plan.
(e) Wireless Communication Facilities
The following regulations shall govern the placement of wireless communication facilities, antennas, and similar installations:
(1) All cellular phone installations shall require Conditional Use Permit Approval, pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 17.130
of this Code.
(2) Cellular Telephone Towers shall be permitted within all Business and Manufacturing (BP, LM, MI and ADD), Open Space, Public Land, Schools, Greenbelt Corridors (OS, DE, UE) and Public Utilities and Public Facilities (PU and PF) zoning districts.
(3) Cellular Telephone Towers shall not be located in Residential Districts.
(4) Design Standards
A. Cellular Telephone Towers shall be “Stealth Facilities”, which means that any Wireless Telecommunications Facility shall be disguised to appear as another natural or artificial object that exists in the surrounding environment or which is architecturally integrated into a building or other structure. They may include, but are not limited to:
1. Co-location on existing electrical transmission towers within Power Easements.
2. Architecturally screened roof mounted antenna.
3. Wall or facade-mounted antenna as design features, clock towers, flagpoles, church crosses, “tree” poles (monopalms, monopines, or similar).
4. Wall Mounted means a Wireless Telecommunication Facility that is mounted on any vertical surface or nearly vertical surface of a building or other existing structure that is not specifically constructed for the purpose of supporting an antenna, such as exterior walls of a building, an existing parapet, the side of a water tank, the face of a church steeple, or the side of a freestanding sign such that the highest point of the Facility is at an elevation equal to or lower than the highest point of the surface on which it is mounted.
5. Exceptions to this may be granted through the Conditional Use Permit Process, provided that it can be demonstrated that the proposed installation would not be unduly intrusive, such as they are located in proximity to similar existing towers for major electrical transmission lines.
B. Cellular phone towers, antennas, and similar structures are limited to the maximum height allowed within the Zoning District in which it is located, unless an RF report prepared by a qualified RF Engineer and reviewed by the City, demonstrates that: 1) an antenna built at the Zoning District limit would obstruct the antenna’s reception window or otherwise excessively interfere with reception and such obstruction or interference involves factors beyond the applicant’s control; and 2) there are no other locations within the City available to the cellular phone provider that would enable the cellular phone provider to construct an antenna within the limits of the Zoning Code without limiting cell phone coverage and reception. In such cases, a maximum height of one hundred feet (100') may be allowed, unless a lower height is required by a local Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC).
C. Setback requirements for cellular phone installations shall be developed on a case-by-case basis as part of the Conditional Use Permit Approval.
(f) Antennas Used for Transmission Purposes
The following regulations shall apply to the establishment, installation, and operation of antennas used to transmit signals of any type for commercial purposes.
(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) below, prior to the approval by the City of the installation of any non-exempt antenna, the applicant must submit a written statement that the antenna will not be used for transmission purposes; or, that the use of the antennas for transmission purposes will not exceed EIRP levels of 80 dBW.
(2) Antennas used for transmission purposes which exceed EIRP levels of 80 dBW may be approved by the Planning Commission, subject to the imposition of reasonable conditions to protect the applicant and the public health and safety. Reasonable conditions shall include, but not be limited to, fencing, screening, warning signs, partial submersion below ground level, and other like conditions.
(3) Antennas used for transmission purposes shall be subject to the same screening requirements as antennas used for receiving signals. Transceiver antennas shall be considered to be transmitting antennas for the purposes of this Chapter.
(4) Any applicant aggrieved by a decision of or condition imposed by the City may appeal that decision or condition pursuant to Section 2.04.080
et seq. of this Code.
(g) Required Criteria and Performance Standards
The following regulations shall apply to the establishment, installation, and operation of antennas in all zoning districts:
(1) Antennas shall be installed and maintained in compliance with the requirements of the Building Code. Antenna installers shall obtain a building permit prior to installation.
(2) No advertising material shall be allowed on any antenna.
(3) All electrical wiring associated with any antenna shall be buried underground or hidden in a manner acceptable to the Building Official.
(4) No portion of an antenna array shall extend beyond the property lines or into any front yard area. Guy wires shall not be anchored within any front yard area but may be attached to the building.
(5) The antenna, including guy wires, supporting structures, and accessory equipment, shall be located and designed so as to minimize the visual impact on surrounding properties and from public streets. The materials used in constructing the antenna shall not be unnecessarily bright, shiny, garish, or reflective.
(6) Every antenna must be adequately grounded for protection against a direct strike of lightning with an adequate ground wire. Ground wires shall be of the type approved by the latest edition of the National Electrical Code, as adopted by the City, for grounding masts and lightning arresters and shall be installed in a mechanical manner, with as few bends as possible, maintaining a clearance of at least two (2) inches from combustible materials. Lightning arresters shall be used which are approved as safe by the Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc., and both sides of the line must be adequately protected with proper arresters to remove static charges accumulated on the line. When lead-in conductors of polyethylene ribbon-type are used, lightning arresters must be installed in each conductor. When coaxial cable or shielded twin lead is used for lead-in, suitable protection may be provided without lightning arresters by grounding the exterior metal sheath.
(7) A wind velocity test shall be required if deemed necessary by the Building Official.
(h) Variances
Pursuant to the procedures of Chapter 17.140 et seq. of this Zoning Code, any person may seek a variance from the provisions of this Chapter pertaining to antennas and satellite dish antennas. A fee shall be charged to an applicant for a variance that is required solely for the purposes of complying with the antenna and/or satellite dish antenna regulations of this Chapter. Any variance so granted is revocable for failure by the applicant or property owner to comply with the conditions imposed. A variance shall be issued for an antenna if it meets the following standards:
(1) Locating the antenna in conformance with the specifications of this Chapter would obstruct the antenna’s reception window or otherwise excessively interfere with reception, and such obstruction or interference involves factors beyond the applicant’s control; or the cost of meeting the specifications of this Section is excessive, given the cost of the proposed antenna.
(2) The variance application includes a certification that the proposed installation is in conformance with applicable City Building Code regulations. Furthermore, the application must contain written documentation of such conformance, including load distributions within the building’s support structure, and must be certified by a registered engineer.
(3) If it is proposed that the antenna will be located on the roof, where possible, the antenna shall be located on the rear portion of the roof and be consistent with neighboring improvements, uses, and architectural character.
(i) Nonconforming Antennas
All antennas, in any zone, lawfully constructed and erected prior to the effective date of this Chapter, which do not conform to the requirements of the provisions of this Chapter for the particular zoning district in which they are located, shall be accepted as non-conforming uses for a period of one (1) year from the date of adoption of this Chapter. Thereafter, the antennas shall be subject to abatement as set forth below via removal, modification, or relocation to comply with the standards of this Chapter. Any antenna constructed or erected in violation of this Chapter or any prior law, ordinance, or regulation shall be subject to immediate abatement.
(j) Notice of Nonconforming Antennas
(1) Upon the determination of the Planning Director that the provisions of this Chapter apply to a given parcel of land on which an antenna is located, the Planning Director or his/her designee shall send a notice thereof by United States certified mail, return receipt requested, to the owner thereof as shown on the last equalized assessment roll and shall cause such property to be posted with a similar notice.
(2) The notice provided for in this Section shall state that the property and antenna in question is a nonconformity, shall state the date of abatement established in Section 17.80.020
(i), shall state that an administrative hearing will be held before the Planning Commission and shall state the date of such hearing.
(k) Hearing; Decision and Order; Appeal; Recordation of Order
(1) Within sixty (60) days after the issuance of the notice prescribed in Section 17.80.020
(j), the Planning Commission shall hold an administrative hearing to determine whether the nonconformity should be abated or whether a time extension should be granted as provided in subsection (7) below.
(2) The Planning Commission shall receive written and oral testimony at such hearing in regard to the abatement.
(3) At the close of the hearing, the Planning Commission shall find and determine whether the nonconformity should be abated and all facts in support thereof, whether the owner of the property can amortize his/her investment in the term for abatement provided in Section 17.80.020
(i), and if not, what term for abatement should be provided as specified in Section 17.80.020
(4) The Planning Commission shall also find and determine whether the structure encompassing the nonconforming use can be used economically in its present condition or can be modified successfully for a purpose permitted in the zoning district in which it is located.
(5) The decision of the Planning Commission and the findings in support thereof shall be in the form of a written order and shall be served upon the property owner personally or by United States certified mail, return receipt requested, within ten (10) days after the decision is rendered.
(6) The decision of the Planning Commission may be appealed to the City Council.
(7) After the conclusion of all appeals, notice of the decision and order of the Planning Commission or the City Council shall be recorded with the City Clerk.
(l) Extension of Time
(1) The Planning Commission or City Council on appeal, shall grant an extension of the time for abatement of nonconformity where it finds that an unreasonable hardship would otherwise be imposed on the property owner.
(2) The Planning Commission or City Council on appeal, shall consider the following factors, among others, in determining whether to grant an extension of time and the length of the term:
A. The nature of the use.
B. The amount of the owner’s investment in improvements.
C. The convertibility of improvements to permitted uses.
D. The character of the neighborhood.
E. The detriment, if any, caused to the neighborhood by continuance of the nonconforming use.
F. The amount of time needed to amortize the investment.
(m) Proof of Amortization
The Planning Commission, or City Council on appeal, shall base its decision as to the length of the permitted amortization period on any competent evidence presented, including, but not limited to, the depreciation schedule attached to the owner’s latest federal income tax return.
(n) Relocation
Where the Planning Commission finds that a nonconforming antenna, either in its present condition or as modified, can be used in compliance with the standards set forth in this Chapter for the zoning district in which it is located, the nonconforming antenna may be granted an extension sufficient to permit it to relocate on the site wherein such use is permitted and which has substantially equivalent utility for the use. In no event shall such extension be more than two (2) years.
(o) Antennas Used for Transmission Purposes
(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) below, prior to the approval by the City for the installation of any non-exempt antenna, the applicant must submit a written statement that the antenna will not be used for transmission purposes; or that the use of the antennas for transmission purposes will not exceed EIRP levels of 80 dBW.
(2) Antennas used for transmission purposes which exceed EIRP levels of 80 dBW may be approved by the Planning Commission subject to the imposition of reasonable conditions to protect the applicant and the public health and safety. Reasonable conditions shall include, but not be limited to, fencing, screening, warning signs, partial submersion below ground level, and other like conditions.
(3) Any applicant aggrieved by a decision of or condition imposed by the Planning Commission may appeal that decision or condition to the City Council, pursuant to Section 2.04.080
et seq of this Code.
[Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 515, Exhibit K, 5/22/13; Ord No. 528, Exhibit Q, 9/10/14.]