The Biotic Resources Study shall be applied to areas which have been identified by a state or federal agency as habitat for plants or animals officially listed as threatened or endangered by the State of California and/or the federal government, and their habitats. The Study may also be applied to areas of ecological significance, including but not limited to those identified in the General Plan.
When new development is proposed or when an existing land use is proposed to be increased by more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the existing floor area, or by twenty-five percent (25%) of the land area for an outdoor recreational or other use, the applicant shall have a report prepared identifying all biotic resources located on the site and on adjacent parcels which could be impacted by the proposed development. The report shall outline mitigating measures designed to reduce or eliminate impacts to the identified resource(s).
The report shall be submitted along with the application for the proposed development. The report shall be prepared by an appropriate expert such as a qualified biologist, botanist, herpetologist, or other professional "life scientist." The conditions of approval of any land use application shall incorporate the identified mitigating measures to protect and preserve the habitats of the identified plants and/or animals.
Reports may include, but are not limited to,
1. The federally and state listed desert tortoise (Xerobates agassizi).
2. State listed Mojave ground squirrel (Spermophilus mohavensis).