The following zoning districts and overlay districts are established to carry out the purposes of this Code:
| Abbreviation
| Abbreviation
Desert Living (9 Acre Net) | DL-9 |
Desert Living (5 Acre Net) Desert Living (2.5 Acre Net) | DL-5 DL-2.5 |
Single Family Residential (0.41 to 1 DU/AC) | R-S1 |
Single Family Residential (2 DU/AC) | R1-.5 |
Single Family Residential (Up to 4 DU/AC) | R1 |
Single Family Residential (1.1 to 5 DU/AC) | R-S5 |
Medium Density Residential (Up to 8 DU/AC) | R3-8 |
Medium Density Residential (5 to 12 DU/AC) | R-M12 |
High Density Residential (Up to 30 DU/AC) | R3-30 |
Mixed Use (Residential Density 18 DU/AC) | MU |
Airport Park (1 DU/AC Gross) | AP |
Affordable Housing Overlay (20 DU/Net AC to 30 DU/AC) | AHO |
General Commercial | C |
Business Park | BP |
Light Manufacturing | LM |
Manufacturing/Industrial | MI |
Airport Development District | ADD |
Airport Park Overlay | APO |
Community Facility | CF |
Open Space/Public Land/School | OS |
Public Facility | PF |
Public Utilities | PU |
Greenbelt Corridor: Drainage Easement | DE |
Greenbelt Corridor: Utility Easement | UE |
[Ord. No. 515, Exhibit D, 5/22/13; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit E, 9/10/14; Ord. No. 652, Exhibit 1, 7/24/24.]
The General Plan, Land Use/Zoning Map of the City of Adelanto, approved by voters of the City of Adelanto on November 8, 1994 or as subsequently amended by the Adelanto City Council, and on file with the City Clerk, is adopted by reference and shall hereafter exists pursuant to and is an integral part of this Zoning Code.
[Ord. No. 515, Exhibit D, 5/22/13; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit E, 9/10/14.]