17.70.100 Sign Programs
   (a)   Sign Program Required
      A sign program shall be developed for any business or shopping center or any group of business uses (three or more tenant spaces) with shared sign facilities, master planned communities or specific plans to ensure that all signs are in harmony with other on-site signs, buildings, and surrounding developments. The intent of a sign program is to integrate signs with building and landscape design into a unified architectural statement. Sign programs are also intended to provide a means of flexible application of sign regulations so as to encourage maximum creativity in the design and display of signs.
   (b)   Application Requirements
      In addition to applicable application forms and fees, the following information is required for review of a sign program:
      (1)   Site plan, to scale, indicating the location of all existing and proposed signs with sign area dimensions, colors, materials, letter style, proposed copy, if available, letter height, and method of illumination.
      (2)   Building elevation(s), to scale, with sign location depicted and dimensioned.
      (3)   Sign details indicating sign area, dimensions, colors, materials, letter style, proposed copy, if available, letter height and method of illumination.
      (4)   Landlord, Property Owner or Manager review authority and maintenance responsibilities.
   (c)   Approval
      A Sign Permit (Signs) shall be required for a sign program. The Director shall have authority to approve, conditionally approve, or deny a sign program based on findings that the proposed sign program is in compliance with the Design Guidelines of this Chapter.
   (d)   Design Guidelines
      The following guidelines are encouraged in developing a sign program:
      (1)   A theme, styles, types, form, colors or placement of signs that will unify and identify the center and integrate the signs with the building and landscape design should be provided. Consideration should be given to different types of tenants (e.g., major and minor) and placement locations consistent with the architectural design.
      (2)   Sign color should be compatible with building color. In general, limit the number of primary colors on any sign to no more than two (2) with secondary colors used for accent or shadow detail. Variations in color may be used as long as the remaining components of the program remain consistent with the overall program.
      (3)   Use the same type of supports or method of mounting for signs of the same type.
      (4)   Use the same type of construction material for same components, such as monument bases, panels, cabinets, and supports.
      (5)   Use the same form of illumination for all signs of a given type, or by using varied forms of illumination that have been determined by the approving body to be compatible.
      (6)   Consideration should be provided for logos or trademarks.
   (e)   Revisions to Sign Programs
      (1)   Minor Revisions
         A revision to a sign program may be approved by the Director if it is determined that the revision is minor in nature and that the intent of the original approval, and any conditions attached thereto, are not affected.
      (2)   Major Revisions
         For any revisions which are determined to be major by the Director, a new application shall be filed in accordance with this Chapter.
      The submittal materials required to accompany the application for a revision to a sign program shall be the same as those required in subsection 17.70.100(b) of this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit P, 9/10/14.]