17.03.010   Planning Commission Established
   17.03.020   Time and Place of Meetings
   17.03.030   Special Meetings
   17.03.040   Adjourned Meetings
   17.03.050   Officers
   17.03.060   Conduct at Planning Commission Meetings
   17.03.070   Public Hearing Procedures
17.03.010 Planning Commission Established
Pursuant to the Adelanto Municipal Code, there is hereby established the "Adelanto Planning Commission." The appointment and service of the members of the Commission shall be as set forth in the Municipal Code.
17.03.020 Time and Place of Meetings
The regular meetings of the Planning Commission shall be held on the first and third Tuesday of each month. However, if the date of any such regular meeting falls on a holiday, the regular meeting shall be held on the next succeeding day that is not a holiday. Unless and until changed by Resolution of the Planning Commission, the regular meetings shall be held at the hour of 7:00 p.m. and shall be held at:
   City Hall Council Chambers
   11600 Air Base Road
   Adelanto, California
The Planning Commission may, by Resolution, change the location of its regular meetings. In the event the location designated by this Chapter or subsequent Planning Commission Resolution is unavailable for a regular meeting, the Planning Commission Secretary shall cause notice of the same to be provided to the Commission, the press, applicants having items scheduled on the agenda, and any member of the public requesting the same. The Planning Commission Secretary shall further cause notice of the change in meeting location to be posted on the door of the regular meeting location at least four hours prior to the meeting. Such notice shall include the address and directions to the location where the meeting will be held.