CHAPTER 17.140
   17.140.010   Purpose
   17.140.020   Proposed Actions Subject to Minor Variance Application
   17.140.030   Special Application Requirements
   17.140.040   Proceedings
   17.140.050   Finality of Director's Decision and Effective Date
   17.140.060   Required Findings
   17.140.070   Minor Variance Approval Attached to the Property
17.140.010 Purpose
   (a)   The Variance procedure is provided pursuant to Section 65906 of the California Government Code to grant relief from zoning provisions when, because of special circumstances applicable to a property, including size, shape, topography, location, or surroundings, the strict application of this Zoning Code deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and under the identical zoning classification.
   (b)   The City has established two (2) types of Variance applications: Major Variances and Minor Variances. This Chapter addresses Minor Variances. Major Variances are addressed in the preceding Chapter 17.135.
   (c)   Variances shall not be granted to authorize a use or activity on a property which is not otherwise expressly authorized by the provisions of this Zoning Code governing that property. A Variance is not a substitute for a zone change or zone text amendment.
17.140.020 Proposed Actions Subject to Minor Variance Application
A Minor Variance application shall be filed pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.100.020 whenever any of the following deviations from the provisions of this Zoning Code are proposed:
   (a)   Up to a thirty percent (30%) reduction in the number of required parking or loading spaces.
   (b)   Up to a forty percent (40%) reduction of the required front yard, provided that a setback of at least fifteen feet (15') to the front property line is maintained
   (c)   Up to a forty percent (40%) reduction of the required side yard setback, provided that a setback of at least three feet (3') is maintained, consistent with the requirements of the applicable Fire Code.
   (d)   Up to a thirty percent (30%) reduction of the required rear yard setback.
   (e)   Up to a thirty percent (30%) reduction of the required minimum lot coverage standard.
   (f)   Up to a thirty percent (30%) increase in the maximum height. Any height increase of not more than two feet (2') shall be considered a Minor Variance.
      Any other deviation shall be considered a Major Variance and subject to the provisions of Chapter 17.135 of this Zoning Code.