(a) This section establishes the review procedures for residential, commercial and industrial development proposals to facilitate project review by local responsible agencies and the Design Review Committees in a timely and efficient manner; to ensure that development projects comply with all applicable local design guidelines, standards and ordinances; to minimize adverse effects on surrounding properties and the environment; and are consistent with the General Plan which promotes high aesthetic and functional standards to complement and add to the physical, economic and social character of Adelanto.
(b) In addition, the City finds that a Design Review process will support the implementation of the General Plan as it stresses quality community design standards. The City further finds that the quality of certain residential, commercial and industrial uses have a substantial impact upon the visual appeal, environmental soundness, economic stability, and property values of the City. This section is not intended to restrict imagination, innovation or variety, but rather to focus on community design principles which can result in creative imaginative solutions for the project and a quality design for the City. It is, therefore, the purpose of this section to:
(1) Recognize the interdependence of land values and aesthetics and provide a method by which the City may implement this interdependence to its benefit.
(2) Encourage the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures and property within the City along with associated facilities, such as signs, landscaping, parking and streets.
(3) Maintain the public health, safety and general welfare and property throughout the City.
(4) Assist private and public developments to be more cognizant of public concerns for the aesthetics of development.
(5) Encouraging the use of a variety of housing styles, varied lot sizes, site design densities, maintenance of views and arrangement and spacing.
(6) To help insure that adequate levels of public services are provided for existing and future development in the City.
(7) To encourage orderly development of residences within areas more readily served by public services.
(8) To encourage the development of master planned projects, which provide the service needs of the residents of these projects.
(9) To encourage use of sustainability principles in all new development.
[Ord. No. 515, Exhibit A, 5/22/13.]
A Design Review is required for all residential, commercial and industrial projects involving the issuance of a building permit including the construction or reconstruction of structures which meet the following criteria:
(a) New construction on vacant property.
(b) Structural additions or new buildings which are equal to fifty percent (50%) of the floor area of existing on-site building(s), or have a minimum of ten thousand (10,000) square feet of floor area.
(c) Reconstruction projects which are equal to fifty percent (50%) of the floor area of existing on-site building(s), or have a minimum ten thousand (10,000) square feet of floor area.
(d) Projects involving a substantial change or intensification of land use, such as the conversion of an existing building to a restaurant, or the conversion of a residential structure to an office or commercial use.
[Ord. No. 515, Exhibit A, 5/22/13.]