General Provisions
153.001 Purpose
153.002 Definitions
153.003 Title
153.004 Adoption of subdivision regulations
Requirements for Platted Improvements,
Resubdivisions, Dedications, and Vacations
Resubdivisions, Dedications, and Vacations
153.010 Conformance to applicable regulations required
153.011 Monuments
153.012 Character of the land
Lot Improvements
153.020 Lot arrangement
153.021 Lines and dimensions
153.022 Setback lines
153.023 Access to lots
153.024 Corner lots
153.025 Frontage lots
153.026 Reverse frontage lots
153.027 Lots affected by surface waters
153.035 Design
153.036 Length
153.037 Crosswalks
Resource Preservation
153.045 Soil preservation
153.046 Preservation of natural features
153.055 Resubdivision in lieu of vacation
153.056 Existing subdivisions
Dedications, Easements, and Reservations
153.065 Areas required to be dedicated
153.066 Dedication of park and recreation sites
153.067 Dedication of water and sewerage facilities
153.068 Utility easements
153.069 Buffer zone
153.070 Vacation
Vacation of Plats and Roads
153.080 Filing
153.081 Petition form and content
153.082 Notification
153.083 Procedure
153.084 Conditions upon approval
Requirements for Engineered Improvements
153.090 Roadway improvements; compliance with specifications
153.091 Roadway requirements
153.092 Improvement of existing adjacent roads
153.093 Improvement of access road
153.094 Limitation of access
153.095 Reserve strips
153.096 Road names
153.097 Road name signs
153.098 Prohibition of signs
Road Layout
153.105 Arrangement
153.106 Topography
153.107 Existing road patterns
153.108 Traffic generators
153.109 Roads along boundary lines
153.110 Traffic control
153.111 Road rights-of-way
Road Design Standards
153.120 Road widths
153.121 Grades
153.122 Geometrics
153.123 Cross section
153.124 Minimum radii
153.125 Intersections
153.126 Cul-de-sacs
153.127 Pavement structure
153.128 Curbs and gutters
153.129 Seeding
Drainage and Storm Sewer Facilities
153.140 On-site storm water detention
153.141 Storm sewer facility requirements
153.142 Culverts
153.143 Ditches
153.144 Bridges
153.145 Flood plain areas
153.146 Drainage easements
Dams and Impoundment Structures
153.150 Supervision by structural engineer required
153.151 Earth dams
153.152 Masonry dams
153.153 Existing dams
Water Supply Facilities
153.160 Compliance with standard requirements; inspection
153.161 Community water systems
153.162 Individual wells
153.163 Fire hydrants
Sanitary Sewage Disposal Facilities
153.170 Community sewer facilities
153.171 Individual disposal systems
153.172 Community treatment facilities
153.999 Penalty