(A)   A certified statement of the assessed valuation of all properties surrounding a public right-of-way to be vacated shall be furnished.
   (B)   Eight copies of a certified plat or applicable part thereof bearing the certificate of a surveyor shall be furnished. The plat shall show the portion to be vacated outlined or shaded so that it may be readily identified. There should also appear on the plat a legal description of the property to be vacated as well as an area 200 feet beyond the boundary of that part to be vacated.
   (C)   The following documents shall be required:
      (1)   Resolution of vacation;
      (2)   Deed of vacation;
      (3)   Two signed originals and six copies of the petition;
      (4)   Two signed originals and six copies of the County Clerk's certificate.
   (D)   The County Clerk's certificate shall be in substantially the following form:
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I,                  , County Clerk of Lake County, Illinois, do hereby certify that there are no delinquent general taxes, and no redeemable tax sales against any of the land included in the following described property:
(Description of subdivision or part of subdivision to be vacated or of lots adjacent to road (alley) to be vacated).
Given under my hand and seal of the County, at Waukegan, Illinois, this     day of     A.D. 19   
                        COUNTY CLERK
(Ord. 76-O-10, passed 9-21-76)