17.48.010 Purpose.
17.48.020 Applicability and Severability.
17.48.030 Exempt Signs.
17.48.040 Prohibited Signs.
17.48.050 Permits Required.
17.48.060 Sign Design Principles.
17.48.070 Rules for Sign Measurement.
17.48.080 General Sign Standards.
17.48.090 Sign Standards for Agricultural and Residential Zones.
17.48.100 Sign Standards for Commercial, Office, Industrial, and Quasi-Public Zones.
17.48.110 Standards for Specific Sign Types.
17.48.120 Downtown Retail Overlay District Sign Standards.
17.48.130 Temporary Signs.
17.48.140 Master Sign Program.
17.48.150 Variances and Exceptions.
17.48.160 Nonconforming Signs.
17.48.170 Maintenance, Abandonment, and Enforcement.
17.48.180 Definitions.
The purpose of this Chapter is to regulate signs as an information system that preserves and enhances the aesthetic character and environmental values of Visalia, its residential neighborhoods, its Downtown, and commercial/industrial areas, while also providing an effective means for members of the public to express themselves through the display of signs. These regulations recognize the importance of business activity to the economic vitality of the City as well as the need to protect the visual environment. Specifically, these regulations are intended to implement the General Plan and:
A. Provide minimum standards to safeguard life, health, property, public welfare, and traffic safety by controlling the design, quality of materials, construction, illumination, size, location and maintenance of signs and sign structures;
B. Preserve and enhance the visual attractiveness of the City for residents, businesses, and visitors;
C. Protect and enhance property values and community appearance by encouraging signs that are compatible with the architectural style, character, and scale of the building to which they relate and with adjacent buildings and businesses;
D. Restrict signs that may create visual clutter or a nuisance to nearby properties, violate privacy, create hazards or unreasonable distractions for pedestrians and drivers;
E. Provide adequate opportunity for the exercise of the free speech by display of a message or image on a sign, while balancing that opportunity with other community and public interests;
F. Ensure that commercial signs are accessory or auxiliary to a principal business or establishment on the same premises, rather than functioning as general advertising for hire; and
G. Prohibit signs that may cause traffic or pedestrian safety hazards or interfere with ingress and egress. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 2016-11 § 2 (part), 2016)
This Chapter regulates signs that are located or mounted on private property within the jurisdictional boundaries of Visalia. The provisions in this Chapter apply in all Zoning Districts within the City. No sign within the regulatory scope of this Chapter shall be erected or maintained anywhere in the City except in conformity with this Chapter. If any part, section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, sentence, phrase, clause term or word in this Chapter is declared invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining portions of the Chapter. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 2016-11 § 2 (part), 2016)
The following signs are exempt from the permit requirements of this Chapter and do not count toward the total sign area limit for a site, provided that they conform to applicable standards:
A. Address Signs. One nameplate, not exceeding two square feet in area, identifying the address of the property.
B. Barber Poles. Barber poles, not exceeding 18 inches in height, located on a non-residential zoned property and containing no lettering.
C. Commercial Displays On Vehicles. Signs on vehicles may be displayed, provided that:
1. The message does not utilize changeable copy or special illumination.
D. Decorations. Holiday and cultural observance decorations on private property. Decorations cannot include commercial advertising. This exemption includes strings of lights associated with a holiday decoration.
E. Flags. Flags may be erected and located in accordance with the following standards:
1. Location. Flagpoles must not be located within any required side yard setbacks.
2. Maximum Flagpole Height. If a flag is on a flag pole, the pole height must not exceed 30 feet or the distance from the base of the pole to the closest lot line plus two feet, whichever is less.
3. Maximum Size. The maximum individual flag area on a lot is 48 square feet in all zoning districts. Pennants, banners, feather banners, strings of ornamental fringes and streamers are not included in this exemption and are regulated under Section 17.48.130, Temporary Signs.
F. Government Signs. Official notices issued by a court, public body or office and posted in the performance of a public duty; notices posted by a utility or other quasi-public agency; signs erected by a governmental body to direct or regulate pedestrian or vehicular traffic; noncommercial bus stop signs erected by a public transit agency, or other signs required or authorized by law. This exemption also covers signs and banners for special civic events sponsored by the City, which may be displayed in public rights of way.
G. Interior Signs. Signs that are located entirely within a building or enclosed structure and not visible from the public right of way and do not require other necessary permits such as electrical or structural permits.
H. Mobile Vendor Signs. Signs and menu display boards fixed to mobile vending carts or food trucks that identify or advertise the name, product, or service provided by the vendor. Each mobile vending cart or food truck is limited to a maximum of eight square feet of sign area, plus a menu display board.
Figure 17.48.030(H): Mobile Vendor Signs
I. Newspaper Stands. Signs that are part of newspaper stands provided the sign area does not exceed four square feet.
K. Public Carrier Graphics. Graphic images mounted on carrier vehicles such as buses, taxicabs, and limousines that legally pass through the City.
L. Window Signs. Permanent Window Signs that conform to the standards of Section 17.48.110(I).
(Ord. 2024-07 § 14 (part), 2024: Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 2016-11 § 2 (part), 2016)